
I fully agree. I find it odd that there are segments of our country going around screaming about "sharia law" as if the apocalypse is nigh, but who "respect" the Catholic Church and canon law when it has actively thwarted criminal and civil investigations. Mind you, I saw this as a 50% lapsed Catholic....

Yeah, I really need a link to this as my Google search is turning up nada. Also, he's Jewish (his mom is Jewish), soooooo.....

No but she should have been culturally aware enough to recognize that perhaps a video for a song entitled "Ratchet" where she (a white woman) is the star and she is surrounded by black back up dancers functioning almost like racial props may have been perceived as "problematic." If she was expressly "pushing the

Unrelated but thank you for properly addressing Dr. Perry. I have been repressing major side eye for all these questions directed to "Melissa." Most ironically, in a post seeking discussion about micro-aggressions.

To all those out there talking about how "gross" you find champagne, if your only exposure to "champagne" is via wedding toasts or a random New Year's party the odds are (1) your aren't even drinking champagne (if the grapes aren't from the Champagne region, it isn't champagne) or (2) you are drinking swill. Good

Final Four: Weed,Caffeine, Vodka and Champagne but who will triumph???

Conditioner is awesome for shaving — I have super sensitive skin and used to use crap from Kiehl's and Mario Bedescu (which is really f-ing expensive) but still get razor burn. With conditioner, I am super smooth minus razor burn/bumps or nicks. You may need to rinse off your razor more. I typically use cheap Suave

  • staring at pores in magnifying mirror

Common is certainly not a GOAT, but it isn't like he doesn't have some sex, er, pop appeal. All kidding aside, Wale isn't "garbage" nor is Big Boi. I am a fangirl so I am kind of geeked about this, quality be damned. I would feel some type of way if the mixtape included Soulja Boy or one of the 8 million rappers

While I think the CD is kind of cute, we are —->here<—- on some of HBO's lamentable casting (although I was surprised that Xaro from Quarth was cast as a black man but it is the guy who plays Renfield in the new Dracula series). I am going to be beyond pissed if all the Martells are cast as white.

Whoa...record scratch. I was with you until you started snarking on Common.

Word. People seem to forget that Wu Tang was founded based upon a love of kung fu movies — POCs can be fans/geeks too. This brown girl is a big old stan for ASoIaF. When I get home, I am going to listen to this record with joyful abandon. Now please tell me someone made an ode to the baddest family in Westeros —

I would rock the shit out of this dress. Praying some of this stuff ends up on Rue La La.....

Some old school shit that I would rock the fuck out of! Assuming I could afford it....

Once I hit this point in the pieces, I automatically thought "Oh, shit just got real (expensive)!"

I got married 2.6 years before the average of my Facebook friends. Take that assholes who keep on saying Black women don't get married and/or are unmarriageable.

Mine! Mine! Mine!

Thank you; however, I wasn't demanding any proof as I prefaced my post by saying I agreed with the majority of the OP's post. I even proffered other songs' lyrics. My point was that citing "99 Problems" isn't the best example to use with "nonbelievers" who actually listen to and know the lyrics of Jay-Z's music.

Thank you. I can't believe I missed those. I will be on the case to figure out the third song!

I don't doubt you but I am trying to figure out which songs and I am seriously drawing a blank (blame old age and lack of sleep).