
I tend agree with quite a few of your points re: Jay-Z . What you said is largely in line with Harry Belafonte's criticisms of Jay-Z (and Bey). My concern lies in that too many people cite "99 Problems" as evidence of Jay-Zs misogyny but completely disregard the actual intent and meaning of the hook (it is wordplay,

I just realized that Bo was there! Bo totally has this look like "We can't take you anywhere, Sunny! Mom! She is embarrassing ME!"

Clearly, this was Sunny's attempt to prove that she is the HBIC.

Of course the inevitable backlash will come from the extreme Right-wing who didn't utter a peep back when Mrs. Beasley (GWB's dog) went apeshit and bit the fuck out of a White House reporter...

A private school that she has attended for over six years. This young lady's hair didn't become like this overnight. Also "private" does not mean that you can idly discriminate.

I see what you mean — the socially awkward amongst us can tend to muck up a ton of things. Like I said, you see the context and I don't. Now if he starts waxing poetic about chicken and watermelon, then the grey area has officially vanished :-)

I can understand your point and you likely know your friend far better than some random internet commenter like me ...but, I can also see his actions as just simply being immersed in his significant other's culture.

I was thinking the same thing! I think Mama Pope is the real badass of the Pope parental units. Yes, Papa Pope is the leader of a top secret spy network but Mama Pope has the skills that indicate maybe she wasn't an innocent bystander but also a member (or co-leader??). Either way, she's done some shit, we just

I suspect that Mama Pope is more badass that Papa Pope. Maybe she was the head spy in charge?

I seriously want to nom on her cheeks. Seriously, that is one cute behbeh.

Thank you so much for this post. I have been so conflicted reading this thread because I just don't see this rape as a "plot device" but more so the reality of what happens to so many women and young girls, like me. The notion that it is "wrong" that Mellie would face her rapist and pretend nothing happened is all

Great, now I have "pull up to the scene with my ceiling missing" playing on an endless loop in my head...

I must thank you for posting that .GIF and instantly reminding me of the fabulousness that was the Elgin Charles Show. My mind is now flooded with images of Elgin "performing" at the hairshow......

I am trying to phrase my response in an non-snarky way, but I would love to see some sort of empirical evidence to support your assertion. As a black woman in corporate America who still gets called "articulate" (and no, that is not my only experience, but I don't have the time or the inclination to recount every

I am so in love with this discussion thread. Thank you for posting this before I could and spurring real dialogue. My emerging lust for Fassbender quickly fizzled once I read the allegations. Implicit bias tinges tons of the discussions over who is a "bad guy" in Hollywood.

To reiterate, DO NOT FUCK WITH MARIE LAVEAU. Angela Basset is serving some hot spicy Creole, Voudun goodness and I am loving every morsel!

I love this movie. Time to Netflix it....

I feel you. The "Love, Sex & Magic" video is my inspiration.

That was one of the more annoying commentaries during Kagan and Sotomayor's confirmations. What is crazy is that this sort of applies to most female judges. Mama Airam79 is a judge (not state) and once, an attorney shushed her when she interrupted him and he tried to scold her for interrupting him. The man got the

I know! Jonathan Rhys Meyers used to make me swoon, now I gag a little. DV is horrid and we need to be mindful how many "great" actors and actresses (ahem, Emma Roberts) have committed this act.