
I wish that were the case but Jezebel isn't consistent with its hatred of known partner abusers. I don't see the pitchforks out for Sean Penn, Charlie Sheen (he's just "wacky"), Josh Brolin, Tommy Lee, Michael Fassbender , Gary Oldman, Jonathan Rhys Meyers... here's a comprehensive list (

I feel like the cat is saying to the kitten "Stop fucking with the master's curtains! She is going to blame me!"

Perfect recap. DOOL and its fuckery is almost as awesome as Y&R and BB.

More or less. Now she is marrying John's son with Isabella, Brady. So. Nasty.

Nice rhetorical feint there. Your first post questioned the viability of her EED claim. Now you are insinuating that these two unrelated plaintiffs are actually part of some huge consumer fraud ring. I wonder why? Ok.....ending this conversation now.

Perhaps you should also familiarize yourself with the fact pattern. The police accosted Ms. Phillips in the subway station and barred her from crossing the turnstyles. She was confronted by four (4) police officers. She alleges that the officers backed her up against a wall and surrounded her on all sides to "wall"

No. We don't. There is this concept in litigation called "punitive damages." Perhaps you should learn something about that concept and then perhaps we can discuss.

Implicit bias is what drives so much of these encounters and it saddens me that conversations like this (which must be had) get derailed time and again.

Thank you!! Yesterday's post re: Trayon and the Ferragamo belt also smacked of the typical ostrich behavior when incidents like this happen. It is so much more easy to pillory the person for buying an expensive item rather than unpack the racism inherent in the assumptions leading to the harassment of that person.....

Sitting back for all the posts decrying a person spending $2500 on a bag and not this classic example of racial profiling.

WW has been known to do some lowdown dirty crap (how many times has she been fired?) but really? Leaking a woman's medical records and then insinuating the husband is boning the wife's doctor? I didn't know that this woman could sink any lower in her relentless quest for fame.

Not to go down a rabbit hole or to derail @plzprettypuss's FABULOUS comment, but primer is awesome. If your face is an oil slick in the the T-zone and the sahara around the cheeks like mine, primer helps to balance out the skin and helps makeup adhere better. Plus a good primer + a bb cream is a great way to avoid

I am one of those "jezebels" (pun intended) who kept her maiden name. Mr. ZoraJD was a bit pissy at first but came to understand why it was important. However, the shit I didn't expect was the shadiness that would emerge from his friends and my friends.

Winner, blouses!

Yes. Bonus points if you can produce pictures of you eating pancakes with Prince.

Woot! Woot! 26.5 in waist, 39.5 hips over here! BTW, I am going to be using VIVA LA BOOTY randomly all throughout the day.

Unfortunately, no. And that is the problem.

Thank you for bringing up Clutch's discussion of this. The manner in which this narrative has been discussed in mainstream media is a classic example of when rape culture, misogyny and racism intersect to create a massive clusterfuck. When Lil Wayne made the same admission (he was 11 and the woman was 17/18 and a

So true! That whole relationship could be used as a metaphor for women of color and our relationship with the feminist movement.

I felt it just a tad. I think the media frenzy definitely picked up a notch when the revelation was that not only did the President have a mistress but she was *gasp* black. I definitely had a mental flash to Blazing Saddles.