
Word! Not to delve into TMI land but nipple covers are NOT comfortable. I would much rather roam free but I work in an UBER conservative field where the hierarchy is mostly white males (I am an AfAm woman). I "stick out" enough so I make the choice to keep them covered as I know that the alternative would not be

Seriously, when can our bodies just be okay just as they are? What's even more fucked up, is that those of us with HUGE nipples are engaging in a collective eye-roll. Yeah, it's all fun and games until you have to wear nipple covers with every freaking bra — even padded ones. It doesn't matter if I am in a sauna

Race is a social construct but there is usually a requirement that the larger society (or hegemony if you will) is what shapes the construct. Thus, while I could decide that I am white, most people when they encounter me, a person with red-brown skin, black hair, full lips and a full nose, will say that I am black.

It was rather awesome to finally hear "The Bear and the Maiden Fair." I have had a few ideas as to the melody, etc. but my poor hubby (he hasn't read the books) was uber confused we I started singing along....

Totally right...I forgot about the ACA! I had my IUD implanted pre-ACA and got screwed. I should have waited a few months!!!!

Hey, girl! I love when there are proud Philadelphians repping our city!

The new IUDs are phenomenal. I have had a few issues with my Mirena (I may try a Paraguard my next go-round) but nothing has been more effective or given me more peace of mind than my IUD. One issue, that isn't always fully discussed, is that a surprising number of health insurance companies are refusing to cover


Exactly. I hate to totally demonize this group as no one is 100% good and no one is 100% bad, but I find that so many people who ascribe to these conservative ideologies abhor complexity. They truly believe that everything is about right and wrong and they shun the grey area.

Hey, fellow, Iladelphian! I have been following this story since the grand jury indictment became public. To me, the real issue why anti-choice advocates will never understand the real evil of this story is that they really don't care about nor understand the motivations of the poor and the marginalized. In their

Um and how did David from Prometheus not make this list? You are basically fucking (a possibly eeeevil) Michael Fassbender.

This is more so hangover prevention but Milk Thistle supplements are the best. It improves liver function. I take Milk Thistle on a regular basis and then follow the 1 glass of water for every glass of alcohol rule.

Ok, disclaimer, I am Yalie (although I graduated a decade earlier) and it always seems that inside campus jokes never translate well. There was a huge furor over some of the more insensitive Suzanne Jovan* jokes but gallows humor is to be expected in such a situation. I mean my friends and I had all sorts of

At least you get it! I am already getting responses challenging my statement by saying he identifies as Latino. My Sociology degree be damned, but a simple look at a census form shows that Latino/Hispanic, etc. is an ethnicity. Again, not assigning any value to being white over anything else (um, I am African

Agreed — no one disputes that he considers himself Latino. However, Latino is not considered a race it is an ethnicity.

The new policy is that the Department of Treasury will approve a trip for education, humanitarian or "cultural" reasons. The Carters were granted a visa based upon the latter. The criteria for a cultural tour is that you book with a reputable tour company and you say, eat the local food or visit areas of cultural

You are right — totally forgot about that lovely period of our history. We also musn't forget the rank anti-Semitism that kept Jews from that category as well.
For the record, I am not saying "whiteness" is something we must aspire to, but I do find it intriguing how the definition of "white" has morphed and shifted

Hilarious post but I must quibble with the assertion that he is not white. Cuban is a nationality/ethnicity not a race. There are white Cubans and black Cubans. The same applies when we have discussions about people who are Hispanic/Latino. For example, Zoe Saldana is a black Latina, Shakira would be considered a

Little Skyler is such a cutie patottie! I seriously want to nom those cheeks!

She looks great! I hope this picture shuts up the internet crazies who insist she is faking her pregnancy. I mean after the BS story with Beyonce you would think that this "theory" would have run its course.