
I think it comes down to, how much are people are profiting from the IP of others. The larger the amount and the more it gets on the radar of the IP holders, and that’s where it becomes an issue. Someone on Etsy making a shirt here and there, probably won’t get copyright struck, but someone who is making appearances

I’m honestly surprised no video game company has set up a cosplay licensing department not just for deals but also to provide official information about characters and such.

Thought Hulk was Thrall.

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Track: Minority | Artist: Green Day | Album: Warning

The dude that had no idea that nazis were bad is using the n-word casually? You don’t say. I wonder how many YouTube personalities will rally to him this time? And I wonder if they’re rallying because they have the same beliefs as this racist that claims he isn’t?

And.... Every singer should only get one song. As if we are suppose to forget they sang that other song?

Better idea:

I allude to it above talking but I want to stress that that approached this as a big fan of the manga, Near’s sudden asspull at the end non-withstanding. Seriously, how good was Gevanni’s handwritting that a detail-freak like Mikami couldn’t see what was going on? I think Matsuda’s right: Near used the book. But I

It wasn’t the anime, which is good. It wasn’t a bad movie if you didn’t know the origins. Most people seem to have complaints when comparing to the original. I liked it. There’s a good potential for a sequel.

I think map makers in games are underrated in general. Look at the World of Warcraft map. All that topology has to be translated from the in game environment into the map that they put in game. That’s a nice level of coordination between multiple teams to get it working.

Thank you, so much, for this article. I’m one of those black nerds who comes to Kotaku often to escape the absolute insanity of the country I live in, but I’m also one of those black citizens desperately searching for some way to make some kind of difference in the world. I want to do SOMETHING to improve this, but

Thank you for writing this, and thank you to your dad for all he has done.

“This is an Ataribox, whatever that is” sorta sounds flippant or dismissive.

Why so much hate for Atari? More companies jumping into the retro-gaming market is a good thing for us. And those that deliver crap will be weeded out fairly quickly.

I’ve found it mind boggling that more AMERICANS aren’t up in arms about this in general. The internet is a core utility to daily life in the modern age, period. That’s a fact. Ending net neutrality simply is BAD for civilians. There is no counter argument, the bile Ajit spews is just corporate jabber, he spews ‘hot

That would be taking a side, which would upset their fans who are on the opposite side and maybe lose donations. It all boils down to the money, and they don’t want to lose any. It doesn’t matter how just the cause is, there are some people in this world who are so incredibly ignorant, they will refuse to change their

I think original Half-Life could use the full remaster treatment honestly. Such a perfectly designed game, and it is aging surprising well, especially with that high definition pack stuff a while back, but I’d buy the shit out of a proper remaster for modern machines.

Or the Jardaan?! The more I think about, the entire main storyline was unbelievably dull.