One of the losses from this is now we don't get to see the 918 v La Ferrari v P1 shoot out :(
One of the losses from this is now we don't get to see the 918 v La Ferrari v P1 shoot out :(
Like most things, you have to know*where* you can cheap out. Sockets? Don't (Nor the extensions, those break). Wrenches? No way (I've bent my share of cheap wrenches). Pliers? No. Trim removal tool? Yes. Punches? Yup. Other non-critical pieces? For sure.
I wept a little when I saw them put another car on top of mine at the scrap yard... least they could have done was waited until I left.
The continual question (and I know where I fall). Would you want to drive a slow car fast, or a fast car slow?
That was one of the best things about my 1994 BMW, all 4 windows have auto down, and the fronts also have auto up. Well, the driver side does, the passenger window is broken. Stupid electrics.
Well done, that is an A+ roadside fix!
Indeed. My understanding is that the reason most 3rd Gear Syncro's wear out is as a result of people resting their hands on the stick.
That's a feature that comes with it, not an optional extra.
Just not enough traction.
I had no idea 555 was for smokes. That said, I was in a liquor store a while ago and saw a bottle of Martini and I thought "Hum, I should try that", then sense kicked in and I left it on the shelf, but it was proof to me that advertising works.
Amen Brother.
At first glance I thought that was an Audi.
This will not age well.
Indeed. And I only want one of them.
No, that's a reason not to BUY one for a commuter car in a place with lots of stop and go traffic.
That scale has to be logarithmic for the Cayenne to be at point 5 and the Bowler at 8.
There was a point in 'Alias' (I THINK Season 3, but it could be 4) where the two protagonists are on the roof of a car park in need of transportation and our heroine shouts something along the lines of "Take the new Ford F150".
Laser. Radar is only used for Photo vans and inside cop cars in Alberta. Also, the cops are getting pretty smart with when they turn it on.
Interesting, probably the same guy a friend of mine (who works up there) told me about last week. He was taking a left hand curve in a company truck, doing ~100 km/h and a Semi is in the oncoming lane doing about the same. A guy on a bike blows between both of them doing what my buddy figured was north of 200 km/h in…