
I wish to draw my fellow Jalops to the following graphic. Who wants to sponsor Tobey? (I would, but I'm already committed)

More cars yes. Does he drive them? Not as I've heard. I think part of the requirement should be that they are car people, not just collectors.

My first thought was it looked like a Mercedes C class sedan. After having been beat severely with the ugly bat.

I don't know if it counts as a joke, but cutting down a Nissan Sentra to get better 1/4 mile times as he'd bet for pinks with a buddy. Friend of mine showed this to me 3 or 4 years ago, and I laughed so hard I couldn't breathe, and then chuckled about it for the next week.

Hearted for this.

No, because the computer, software and scanner cost a bucket of cash. That gets paid for a little bit from each transaction it is used for.

Damn! Well, at least it was while racing...

A little quirky, but Ferrari 312

I disagree with #7. They lost hope after the 3rd Gen. (1985 for Celica's, 1986.5 for Supra's)

Ahem. Mentioned in the post (and before in the comment train), the one, and original Audi Quattro is THE car to beat. There is no argument on this.

See, I disagree with you on this. I don't hate the colour. Nor do I like it. I am completely ambivalent about it. It is simply meh.

Hearted for that. Amen Brother!

To all those who say the AE86. No. You only love it because of InitialD.

Same here, but it was in Forza, so I don't know if that counts.

This depends. With supervision or without?

This has my vote. Wow. Luck and/or skill, amazing none the less.

Upon seeing Caswell's name, I looked him up on Wikipedia. We as Jalop need to figure out how to ensure he meets all the requirements of notoriety so we can put him in there.

@JackTrade You and I agree. It is the point we are making here. The auto's take some of the joy of driving away in many cases. Does my truck have an auto? Yeah it does, and it takes me to work in winter and some days in summer, and carries stuff very nicely.

They did this up here in Alberta, except they used concrete barriers. They were taken out within a year as instead of lowering speed and reducing traffic... well, you know what happened.