
I can’t speak for those people, but Cho is 5ft 10 and a hundred years old. So it’s a bit left-field for Spike.

Is Marc Maron in the movie too?

I can’t wait to see Mac Maron’s performance.

The last time I was on I did everything I could think of, including clearing every trash mob camp and dungeon I could find in freeplay (the supposed “sure-fire” method for triggering the loot table to function somewhat properly) and got garbage for my efforts.

DA2 was rushed garbage, but DA:I was actually really great, even if it wasn’t completely perfect.

Exploding balls are the worst.. between their insane tracking, the blast knocking out your shield and overheating your thrusters, you get the ADDED bonus of a DOT burn damage to your suit just for the fun of it. Those things can take you from full health with full shields down to a sliver of health in just a few

You forgot to mention that the red rings of death are not stopped by walls or cover like they should be, and that the fireballs often times curve around walls and other objects to hit you behind cover.

A couple hours? You only need 3

Only a year and a half and they haven’t started shooting yet? Well I guess you can’t keep that cast together forever.

The hip thing to do would be to temper my optimism or say “looks interesting, let’s see how it pans out,” but no, I am fucking super excited, every element of this is something that is like a dream project come together and I have an unshakeable confidence it’ll be something I dearly love.

Pretty much. “Hey, you’re letting your hair grow now. Neato.”

My girlfriend came up with the best explanation ever for all the Klingon changes—they’re diagetically wearing make-up and prosthetics. Her theory is that the aliens in the Star Trek universe all look like humans, but they know that humans are expecting “alien aliens”, so they put on face-paint and forehead bumps so as

...the second Suicide Squad movie called The Suicide Squad...

Well, THIS fanboy has no issue with it. In fact, it makes good sense story-wise. It would be pretty hard not to get a tan on Arrakis even with your stillsuit on. The best Chani makeup jobs so far was Barbora Kodetová, who is lily-white but was made up to be almost a twin of that famous Time cover of the Afghani war

You gotta check out this new collective.  They did this thing called “Pet Sounds.”

I agree, we should be calling it what it really is, a Bioware killer.

Well, it basically is. Unbreakable gave us the complete arc for the hero. This just tells us he kept that going. This tells us what was next for Kevin.

I wonder why they canceled it. A Star Wars open world game seems perfect for microtransactions and DLC. Maybe it was the huge critical failure that were Red dead redemption 2 and God of War that made Ea cancel it as it’s clear there is no future for single player games.

Exactly. Who woulda thought that suspicious stuff is suspicious. People woulda done the same if it was a male cover for another player cause when you get served with “A nobody joins a team, has no personal details, doesn’t want to be seen or heard and when they do play and chat simultaneously, there’s a lot of