Let’s not overlook how both of them tried to ditch the other at the first chance they got. He shoved her into the cop initially and tried to run out the door; she moonwalked right past him being arrested to attempt her Spider-Man gambit.
Let’s not overlook how both of them tried to ditch the other at the first chance they got. He shoved her into the cop initially and tried to run out the door; she moonwalked right past him being arrested to attempt her Spider-Man gambit.
what about...
The better reason to be worried is people lecturing over source material who don’t know the actual source material. Cyberpunk 2077 is based on Cyberpunk 2020, so any discussion of how they “get” Cyberpunk that doesn’t include a look at said game is missing the point. This is Mike Pondsmith’s interpretation of…
This article doesn’t really mention much in terms of specifics from the demo but Austin Walker and Patrick Klepek do a pretty thorough breakdown of it on one of their recent Waypoint Radio episodes. I’d highly recommend giving it a listen as it delves into some of the subtleties of the world that they noticed.
To be fair, one of the ‘rules’ of the setting has always been “Style over substance” which meshes well with the quote “high tech, low life” from Mike Pondsmith. Thus far all I have heard about the game seems like a faithful imagining of the source material.
These guys... They’re never going to learn.
I must be getting old because I remember when companies would run contests like this with the idea that your submission MIGHT make it into the game/show/book/whatever. And IF it did, you were just happy to have something you could brag to your friends about.
To quote the late filmmaker François Truffaut, “There’s no such thing as an anti-war film.”. This can be interpreted to mean that there’s no way to make a war film that does not in some way glorify war. Same thing with violent media trying to pursue anti-violent themes in general.
Dissonance works. Either the kiss or the disemboweling from the demo would be impactful enough on their own. Together? The two extremes make the game greater than the sum of its parts. Not totally novel, but I remain happy that I bought a PS4 Pro after seeing the demo.
Overcooked 1 is one of the best couch co-op games out there (especially with 3 or 4 people). I sincerely hope they continue the trend with the sequel. My biggest gripe of the original was that there wasn’t more :p, I would’ve been very happy with a level editor.
Could they just make it wildlands?
Cause i liked how things died in Wildlands.
Why did they bother announcing this if they had no footage of the game?
That’s what Palpatine wants you to think. He’s a master of Machiavellian genocides, operating from the shadows....
I tried to beat the game with my girlfriend, but there’s one lava stage with rotating platforms that’s just... Impossible for us, we never finished the game :(
BUT, it was a really fun time!
what i got from this article: Destiny 2's limited time events are now more interesting mechanically and have better rewards, but still don’t respect your time.
Look, I get that this is a safe space to confess to the world about what popular games you just can’t get in to.
Wait so its an expansion that has its own season pass on top of the original base game’s season pass? I would much rather have the game be monthly sub based if that’s the case because god that’s a ton of money.
I read that Kubrick had many of the models and props destroyed afterward because he didn’t want them showing up in cheap B-movies for the next 20 years.
I wonder how many takes Kubrick made that real baby do before firing him?