This article only applies to those living a sedentary lifestyle and should be noted as such. 55g of protein is nowhere near enough to maintain or support the muscle growth of athletes or people that workout strenuously multiple times a week.
This article only applies to those living a sedentary lifestyle and should be noted as such. 55g of protein is nowhere near enough to maintain or support the muscle growth of athletes or people that workout strenuously multiple times a week.
Oh god please NO! I remember when everything was just shades of shit brown.
I majored in “videogame historical accuracy studies” and am qualified to state that it is 100% accurate.
I’m a historian. Thats 100% accurate to history.
I’m far more concerned about that cartoonish caricature of World War II. The face paint, the ridiculous outfits that are far from the standard uniform, the trailer was just utter visual chaos. I vastly preferred the first trailer for Battlefield 1 that made everything feel gritty and real. You know, like one of the…
I’d rather play 50 more games in a row with a modern setting. Personal preference and all that.
There won’t be any sort of “premium pass” or season pass in Battlefield V. You won’t have to pay for maps or modes, nor will you be able to buy anything that affects gameplay
I think they’re going for the whole “this is what playing with friends is like” stuff, but without the staged voice chat, but I agree it frankly comes across as a mess.
2:00 Oh look, Saving Private Ryan...
Damn. Will be the first BF I skip since Bad Company 1.
I can’t tell what the fuck is going on, other than that they tried to go for the “colorful cast of characters” thing that looks so terrible in CoD WW2.
This is beyond accurate
Think we’ll see Cyberpunk this E3?
Inspired choice on many levels. :)
I’m confused. How is Activision/Bungie signing an exclusivity deal which they could have easily changed the terms since it was their IP being controlled by Sony? Do you really think Activision’s lawyers messed up?
Really love Red Dead and I certainly want to play it but I’m not sure that trailer did much for me. Felt a little, “meh.”