the public slaughtered it. the media was just reporting on the public.
the public slaughtered it. the media was just reporting on the public.
it was a good game, solid 7/10 all day long at worst.
Bingo, Andromeda is a perfect example of a game that was far better then the review scores indicated and yet it was absolutely destroyed by ignorant, jaded internet trolls that decided to pour on rather than admit the truth, that Andromeda, while not perfect, was certainly much better than people were being led to…
Yup. I’m a developer on a smaller project and even our niche community finds ways to threaten our lives... combined with the media expecting AAA experiences from an indie developer.... it has not been that fun
I actually quite like Andromeda, and while I think the MC score is lower than it deserves many of the reviews was actually pretty fair. I wouldn’t say they slaughtered it, but pointed out that the game have flaws but was had many great side. The people that was unfair was the youtube kids who portrayed the game far…
I’ve had a very difficult professional failure in my life that almost killed my career in its infancy, so I have a sense of how that feels. I try to keep that in mind when I post criticism of someone’s artistic work.
Exactly. If this had been a video of him reacting emotionally about negative reviews people would be all over him.
Yeah I try to be more constructive in my criticisms these days when I voice a negative opinion on some aspect of a game. Real blood, sweat, and tears goes into these things. Years of hard work get poured into it and it’s all too easy for someone to dismiss all of it b/c it didn’t quite live up to their expectations.
I’ve read enough angry forum posts to know that adding skins to games is basically no work and developers are lazy if there aren’t lots of them. My dozens of sources disagree with your one source!
The majority I’ve met are pushy college students.
I understand being against foie gras and trying to get that off the menu, but your best bet there is to try to convince patrons not to order that dish. Just about every other tenet of the restaurant seems to be aligned pretty well with the typical anti-factory farming sentiment of the vegan crowd.
In the first sentence they both virtue signaled and made sure we knew they were a vegan.
calm, rational vegans
I think the carving up the leg right in front of them was a good. However the ultimate fuck you was going to the kitchen, cooking up some of the venison, and finally devouring it in front of them.
Ignore corporations and go after small businesses. Got it.
Deer are cuter than cows.
I don’t know who Aubrey O’Day is. I don’t know who (possibly *what*) Danity Kane is. I’m not gonna look it up. I’m just going to revel in my ignorance.
“I wasn’t a sweaty nerd, more of an Ethlete,”
i never did care for Stan Himself.
“Fuck Dinosaur”