
obviously you're not a spriter because you would know that shading sprites in paint is balls to the wall tits to the floor hard

Um, yes I do. Some people's feng shui is just so bad it's an absolute crime.

Agro... goddamnit, my name is AGRO!

Oops... I totally thought she was Selma Hayek.

inb4 Tiana : Thief

MINE TOO! But I thought it was a glitch!

Beyond that, this is also the story about the evolution of AI as some of the ships have created a human-looking avatar for themselves in an attempt to understand humans (and thus retain an edge over them). Of course, this has countless interesting implications as the ships begin to experience humanity on a personal

It's funny because that is one of the worst places to grind, ever.

The remixed music is gorgeous.

Id is part of Sigmund Freud's model of the psyche, which consisted of 3 parts: the ego, the super-ego and the id. In short, the id is your most basic form of your psyche. You can think of it as "instinct", if that helps. I'm not really sure why they decided to call the theme "Id"—I think the translators thought they

Not gonna lie, the spritework is pretty shoddy.

Given that I'm following something like 20 different shows this would be kind of cool to have. I know that as a gaming thing it's kind of pointless, but at least I'll have something to show for my excessive screen time...

No, a woman very badly disguised as a man.

You get more munnies for comments though :D

Well, it looks pretty. More importantly, this low-res art style is really easy on resources. The guy might not have a lot of experience working with 3D models (if any at all) and if this is a solo project or even a small group project, it would be difficult to have to learn how to make 3D models, and then translate

Sometimes the sheer unpredictability of the game really gets to you. The place is also super hard to navigate and trying to figure out how to do everything right is just so scary when you know little Scissorman could pop out at any moment. Also, that stupid scene where I didn't realise I could use the pole to attack

I just WTF'd at this because I didn't even know it was possible. Thank you for enlightening me.

The only survival horror.

Man, sometimes you really do just need non-creative executives to get things moving. I'm all for more power to the artists, but not all artists are good at managing themselves, unfortunately.

As soon as I read the title of this article I knew it would be a Kickstarter project. Does anyone else think that that says something about the current state of gaming?