
Well, the artcle asks why there weren't any women, and I guess we're just saying that it's because there aren't that many women in the industry is all. No women happen to be heads of those particular fields, or directors of those particular video games.

And then everybody with hyperopia missed out :/

The frame rate drops significantly for Fire Emblem, though.

I don't think Another World used polygons, did it?

Then just don't marry anyone :/

I always found the GC controller's D-pad seven hells to use. My thumb would get raw and tired if I ever tried to use it because it was so stiff and in a weird, weird place. That being said, it was still a good controller.

How about you look at it this way, then: none of the characters in the game happen to be gay. There. Given that there's only about 50 characters, this is very possible.

Now playing

I know, I know. But as a violinist it does annoy me seeing musicians resort to cheap tricks like... weird... dancing... I'm just jealous of her good looks. Like one might envy Justin Bieber.

There should be more pictures of the personal trainer <333

indeed :/

It's just theatrics, like that dumb Lindsay Sterling bitch or however you spell her name.

Underdog doesn't increase growth rates...

Level him to 10 then reclass him. Underdog is a decent skill but it's not worth the extra effort. There's absolutely no reason to keep him as a Villager past level 15. His stats will go up heaps because Villager's base stats are awful. Then he will murder stuff as soon as he starts using Iron weapons. Otherwise,

I'm gay, and I get hit on older white males all the time too. Do you think I could submit my stories there as well?

It bothers me that lawyers seem to wait until a project is near fruition before they decide to send out their C&D letters. Why not just send them out at the start? Wouldn't that save everyone a whole lot of heartbreak (and effort)?

You know that you missed out on three more characters because you let Sumia/Cordelia/Olivia die, right? This makes me very sad.

Double her with Avatar, promote her to Dark Knight. Problem solved. But she's my wife so of course I'd defend her.

It's "Marth".

Don't forget the writing :( You can have awesome actors but a shitty writer will kill everything.

Maybe not Game of Thrones, but probably better than Once Upon a Time (lol)