
Heh. Yeah I know that type of mentality. I was there for a long time. It has its merits - for a while. I actually bought into it quite a lot myself when I was younger, never had relationships in the same city that I lived in, that sort of thing. Not that it’s something that only younger people think, just that until I

By settling down do you mean pair-bonding? Or something else?

I’m in a great, happy, stable, long term relationship. I am so happy that I learned how to filter out the utter bags of shit before I met him or else I wouldn’t have been able to calibrate my radar. And I dated some real doozies before him. Sometimes I still can’t believe my luck.

Hahahhaa. I went from having a really good job to having no job at all and now I'm a full-time freelancer; I'm adjusting my lifestyle accordingly. I used to have a Retin-A + bimonthly facials routine. Now I use jojoba oil and warm washcloths. The sad thing is, my skin looks exactly the same! I did like getting

Me too. I am not any sort of prude, but I'd rather just not make my partner deal with my shit while he's stuck in there. Good for everybody who does it - but, like marriage, not for me.

Seconding this.

To be fair, yoga people can be a little hard to take.

I haven’t been able to get through a thing he’s written, ever. I have no idea why this guy gets such props.

I had a really satisfying thing happen with him much later though - he pretty obviously had no idea Mr. AgingHipster and I were together, until he ran into us strolling along hand in hand walking our dog on the street one day.

Yeah. And he’s a youngish guy, too! In his late 30s, early 40s. I’d expect it from some old goat.

Oh yeah no. HELL no.

“Why hasn’t a cute little girl like you gotten married and had lots of babies yet?” <- two of my bosses right before they were my ex-bosses. Two different occasions, two different jobs, two different trips to HR.

Partner and I are both journalists. Male politicians will always talk to him about local issues straight over my head. One guy is a repeat offender: he consistently gives me a once-over and then forgets my name, and once asked my partner if he knows how to get [place I worked for] interested in a story, right after I

What on earth happened to Kim Kardashian? I don’t pay a lot of attention to celebrity stuff and seeing this photo of her was just jarring.

Hmmm, I don't like to mix booze and sweets, I can dig it!

I do that. I also do a lot of work in other countries which screws up my texts etc. sometimes even though I have an international plan. It makes for wonderful excuses when I don't want to talk to people though.

Me too! It's so great. And everyone assumes you're off doing hopelessly glamorous things, right?


"white guy with dreads" <- say no more.

Holy shit I think it was. UGH!