
A TON of my friends were there last night and we are all just sick. A total freak accident and I feel so awful for his family and for Rey Jr. and his family.

Oh, fuck. This is tragic and awful. I know both of them in passing (the lucha scene is pretty small around here.) Fucking horrible and so sad.

New Yorkers are some of the warmest and kindest people I've met anywhere in the world.

Not gonna lie, I read this in the voice of Comic Book Guy from the Simpsons

Now I want to write my piece: How I went from being happily and openly promiscuous to being happily and openly monogamous. (Except no one would want to read that boringness, hahaha)

Oh my god that legitimately made me tear up. What a wonderful story. <3

His dead eyes are creeping me out in this gif.

I was a broadcast reporter in LA for several years, and as such I frequently ran into other reporters. I did radio (on purpose: I didn't want my looks to get so scrutinized that I ended up getting a whole new face) and I loved a lot of the TV people, but some of the older ones started to look pretty terrifying pretty

Mr. AgingHipster and I have a pact never to get married, and these are 365 of the reasons why.

Oh, and as someone who was horribly physically abused by more than one ex, as well as assaulted by others, and who was diagnosed with a screaming case of PTSD because of it, I found her "healing through getting punched in the face" narrative to be just... I don't know. Gross.

I've seen that a lot, too. And while there are some excellent conflict reporters out there, there are MANY more who are just like your ex, as I'm sure you know. They go out not because they have a burning desire to tell the untold stories etc., but because they are basically just fucked up, and then seeing extreme

Yes. The public self-flagellation, the one-upmanship, the story-swapping, the policing of others (which makes everything else so much harder to take) - ugh.

Agreed, wholeheartedly.

they are the fucking worst.

No, it's entirely possible to be a journalist and not be this way. Lynsey Addario is a great example. (I'm not her, I just really admire her work and her attitude)

I'm a humanitarian journalist and am right on board with you.

ME TOO! my grandparents kept all these back issues of Reader's Digest on their toilet so I would swipe them all and read them. Hahahahahahahaha.

Not to me! I'm right there with you!

No. Lee Harvey Osballed.