
It's easy, really! Measure just under your breasts with a cloth measuring tape. That number is your band size. Now bend over and measure around the largest part of your breasts. Subtract your band size from that number. The difference is your cup size. One inch is an A-cup; two is a B-cup; three is a C-cup, and so

Victoria's Secret sucks at that kind of crap. They tried to put me in a 36A. Intimacy fitted me, correctly and happily, as a 30E/32D! Victoria's Secret can bite me, as can the bitchy saleslady who looked me up and down and straight-up laughed when I asked her for a 32D and said, "YOU'RE not a D-cup."

I don't know either but I had him pegged for 15 and a virgin at his first comment, and his later posts did nothing to dispel that idea.

If you had a bigger dick, vaginas wouldn't feel so loose to you.

I don't want to waste any time on you. You're disgusting and creepy. Anyone who talks about "tight vaginas" is a fucking creep.

Hahahahaha, that's primarily a Kiwi/Aussie term from what I understand. Isn't it great?

For what it's worth, although I was once young and impressionable, I never once adjusted my pubic grooming to accommodate a man. I figured if they didn't like it, they could go elsewhere. Feminism isn't totally dead ;)

You are so creepy.

Am I really the only woman who doesn't mind getting her period? I kind of like it. Sure, I'm crabby and will kill to eat those Trader Joe's chocolate-covered potato chips for about three days, but then I feel great once it starts and because of the strange hormonal shifts that go on in my body, it's guaranteed that

Good luck!! I know how much it sucks trying to find a size that fits. <3

It used to, and I am crazy sensitive, but after finding underwires that actually encapsulated all of my rather wide boob, I realized they can be extremely comfortable. Honest.

Ewa Michalak. Seriously!

Just do it yourself, honestly... I've had poor luck with Nordstrom fitters. They insist I'm a size I'm not and try to push sister sizes on me because they so rarely carry 30 or 32 band sizes.

I wouldn't even recommend going to get a fitting. I got stuffed into an A or a B cup so many times by Nordstrom's workers and hated bras. I never wore them until I was 33 or so and discovered, thanks largely to this site…, that I am in fact a 32D. Never looked back. (I am in

Yesssss! The Diva Cup is the best thing ever. Saves money, saves time, saves space. I'm also a big fan of GladRags because I am a giant hippie.

I can't say this enough. Diva Cups, Diva Cups, Diva Cups, forever and ever, amen!

I have to enthusiastically recommend this book. I'm an ex-CrossFitter (too culty) and hate gyms otherwise (something about a petite woman doing deep squats attracts the creepers like nothing else.) YAYOG (heh) is perfect for my antisocial ass.

I've heard from friends of mine who are "Latino" (sorry, it's in quotes because I hate descriptors like that, but by Latino, I mean Spanish-speaking, with dark hair, dark eyes, and olive skin, which usually gets them described as Mexican in the USA) that Portland is one of the most racist places to live. Casual