
YES, this, this, this, they'll follow you home yelling all the way, they'll shove you or hit you, they'll call you a cunt, they'll do all that shit, and nobody seems to be getting it. I've had all of those things happen because I've shut people down.


No, of course not. Monaghan was "brave" and "telling it like it is." Hahahaha.

Because many men just can't take a hint. If I'm sitting somewhere with a book in front of my face, I don't want some dipshit going, "so whatcha reading?" My book is not a conversation piece. It is a book.

Hahaha yep. OMG! He's a feminist hero!!!1

"Not because I don’t fully support eradicating sexism, sex trafficking, sexual abuse in all forms…even continued sexual bias in the workplace." Well, I'm so glad you can stretch your tolerance to EVEN eradicating sexual bias in the workplace! My feeble little lady brain thanks you.

Yeahhhh... someone thinking they are "owed" a damsel? that's not exactly decent. That's more like reducing them down to an archetype without giving them credit for being individuals, while demanding they are appreciated in all their individuality. Nice Guy Syndrome/Savior Complex. It's actually a form of control

YES! I'm in college now as a 35 year old who left a career to get a degree (well, I was sort of helped along by the economy but I wanted the degree anyway) and I miss the relatively stress-free life of 70+ hour workweeks because at least I didn't have these huge projects/papers hanging over my head for months at a

P.S. Huge congratulations on the dream gig!

Hey I'm a radio person too. Reporter-anchor, though I haven't anchored in a few years. Where you at, if you don't mind my asking?


God, I hate that shit. Somebody straight up said to me the other day, "So why aren't you and your boyfriend married?" I didn't feel like going into the whole thing, which is we've talked about it, decided it isn't for us, we're happy where we're at and maybe someday in the distant future we will but for right now

More anecdata here!

Thanks so much for coming and and explaining this all to us! That never occurred to our silly jealous little ladybrains!


Do it! I'm finishing up my BA right now at 35. It's totally worth it. And you get extra grants, at least here within the California UC system, for being a "non-traditional" student.

This, exactly.

This this this! This is what I took away from this article too. I thought that was fantastic.

Really? I respectfully disagree, because I thought that the story perfectly illustrated the way young women (and men) internalize rape culture. That's what I thought it was about. I don't feel this piece hurt her chances of working as a journalist at all. On the contrary, I thought it was a well-thought out,

That was the first thing I thought of! My immediate reaction to this cover was first, "oh brother, Time is trying to hard to get pageviews/sell magazines" and my second one was, "oh brother, that poor kid is now screwed for the rest of his life, this is like Embarrassing Baby Pictures racheted up to 1000000." HAHAHA.