This was a huuuuuuge help and great resource for me! []
This was a huuuuuuge help and great resource for me! []
Preach it! Finding my correct size has changed my life in small but incredibly appreciable ways. Ladies, learn to measure yourselves, don't listen to VS morons!! Your underbust measurement is your band size (no adding anything) and the difference between that and the fullest part of your breasts is your cup size.…
What, nothing about her contributions to his most famous work? Tsk, tsk.
@Catty Is Cumbersome: I'm aware that it can be spelled that way but have never actually seen it spelled that way. In fact, very early on in my career, I wrote "PR flack," and got corrected.. by my editors. Granted, I never worked at the NYT though.
@Catty Is Cumbersome: Nope, Ms. Catty, I'm neither an English nor a journalism major, but I am a reporter and have been, quite successfully, for many years.
@allypanda: That's what I do, and I'm only 31. Haha.
I not-so-secretly think people who go to journalism school are kind of dumb anyway. I know exactly two people with journalism degrees who actually became journalists. The rest are flaks.
Hasn't the Guardian ever heard of Le Petomane??
Anal-only for the next 188 days!!!!
My mom used to say this kind of stuff to me all the time — absentminded comments about my small tits, my fat thighs, and my big nose. It used to make me crazy. But now I am 31 and I think I'm just plain awesome. I just stop her whenever I bust her doing the same kind of thing to my 13 year old sister. I don't want her…
Also? I'm from San Diego, and Live Wire sucks. It's full of 45 year old scenesters with tattoos that were sexy 20 years ago. And if a black person comes in everybody stares.