
$1,000, yikes, I guess I’ve got a real problem. I started collecting seriously back in 2014, I’m at about $26,000 total for my collection.

So far, though, we still don’t know the game’s official title or a projected release date.

The MCU has ruined us. We used to have whole ass games about just one character fighting one set of bad guys and were fine with it. Now everything needs to be an ensemble.

I’ve seen a lot of his content, staring around the time Covid hit and some of his older videos where he focused on men’s issues/deficits/problems. the reason he can come off as a “woman hater” is because of the direct way he tells people what they aren’t ready to hear. especially if a person is lacking in humility.

Most of the people commenting don’t know what he talks about or don’t listen. He pushes for black marriages, men and women getting their shit together, picking the right partner, and not having kids if you are not married. And for all the people saying he hates black women, he has tons of videos of him telling black

I don’t know. He’s got more guts than any coward Proud Boy that’s for sure. All those bitches can do is shoot protestors, capitol police, and unarmed people. They’re not about that life if someone is shooting back. They call the cops like their Karen wives and cry and beg for mercy when it’s time to go to court.

I like her, but god, this stinks of epic just driving their dumptruck full of money to her house.

I’m literally the wokest person I know (and I currently live in Portland)...

Is this a bit?

The problem is there’s no legit reason to hate them but not other superpowered people LIKE the Avengers. You have no way of looking at somebody with superpowers and knowing if they ARE a mutant unless they told you. For all you know, they could have been made radioactive and gotten powers like the Hulk. Or bitten BY

GoT was my GOTY for 2020. It wasn’t perfect, but damn was it fun and well supported. Sucker Punch has provided a ton of QoL updates like gear sets, and the coop was unexpected surprise. Hoping we get another game in this universe on the PS5 in a year or two.

And we need a new Godhand!

To be fair, most of the franchises that have shown up have basically already turned themselves into jokes long before showing up in MK.

I still have my PS3 and Wii. Why the hell would I get rid of my PS4?

It’s original to the movie. In the comics, he wears a store bought Spider-Man costume, and then gets his black costume from SHIELD.

That is not how in interpreted Fury’s last appearance at the end of Far From Home. <<<SPOILERS!>>>
Basically Telos (a Skrull masquerading as Fury) calls him to admit that shit went south and that everyone is asking “Where the Avengers are. And I don’t know how to respond to that... So we need you come back.” Fury

Her trauma didn’t make her a racist POS. She’s a racist POS that also happened to experience trauma.

There has been no time to release the game then because she’s settled on being that forever.

Capitalism is not about changing social systems or beliefs unless those things get in the way of making a profit.

Of course there was one thing that wasn’t shown at the showcase proper...

The NAACP should decline the donation and demand that Ubisoft make meaningful changes in their offices, starting with firing and turning over the rapists they’re harboring.