
Some of mines :)

is it this dude....?

Well, if I hit any of them, I certainly wouldn’t drive away, as that is Felony Hit and Run right there... but then again, that would require the police doing their damned job.

Well, for starters, I would turn around and find another way. It’s not like you’re just driving along, minding your own business, when a crowd of protesters magically appears out of nowhere and starts pounding on your windows. 

You probably didn't watch the 2nd video, or read the transcript. The guy could have went another way. Bye 🤡

Best thing would probably be stay home.

Ooh, I'm looking forward to his video on this. 

Vin’s apprentice.

Personally, Ghost of Tsushima is gonna be an extremely tough act to follow for that sort of counter-heavy, tool-based melee combat. It was genuinely shocking to me that Sucker Punch of all developers would create such an immediately accessible, not-at-all fiddly, and layered set of mechanics.

Calling it now:

I really hate the art direction of the characters, it looks like a newgrounds flash game. Fine for the mid 2000s, not so much now.

MLK Jr. knew people like you were the worst.

haha what? You’re not really an ally if your ego is more important than fighting against racist policy. That’s exactly the point TheRoot often makes: A bunch of white people who want to be congratulated for doing the bare minimum.  

That recurring bite, sting and burn of racism is why I quit playing games like COD and Overwatch unfortunately. My “friends?” couldn’t understand why I would quit two games that I honestly excelled at over people being stupid and racist but I tried to explain to them that the mental toil of constantly seeing and

Dear rest of the world:

Extra confusing, what with him being the wettest pussy in any room he enters.

Shin Godzilla did this pretty well. It very much leaned into the actual disaster that is a government faced with a crisis it simply can’t understand.

Black Cat could work if she’s the antagonist to Sable. Lots of witty dialogue between them as they hunt the same macguffin or something. And then they join forces to take out “the real villain” just like every superhero team up movie.

I know some dudes that will rabidly pursue one of these, and then never open the box. Which is depressing to me. 

Because the most vocal are also the most toxic most of the time. And with some of them having gained enough of a fanbase to be a influencer, they get to say whatever, whenever and it is given a measure of weight by corporations on how things should go.