I mean that should have been the article headline tbh.
I mean that should have been the article headline tbh.
“Oh boy, a new mobile game!” - no one that has ever lived
Mobile game. No fucking thanks.
Infinite hero varieties from alternate universes screams “grindy gacha collect-a-thon” to me.
You know what......Sonic 2 gave me Tails.
It’s privilege. I ,being a man of the melenated persuasion and a military vet, would be dead before I got into the government building with my AR 15.
This is making me moist hahaha i can’t wait for them to get home bought optimus & dinobot!
I’ve been a day 1 Destiny player, but hopped off after the Dreaming City story came to a close. I loved that arc, and the evolution of the world. But after that the game couldn’t keep me hooked anymore— too many Horde-mode-with-puzzles. Too much grinding. Like I remember hopping on for that expansion with the special…
Show us on the doll where Bernie touched you
Starting this convo with a fuck Tulsi Gabbard.
A softcore porn model is First Lady. A con artist tv star is President.
“I’m going to walk with integrity because at the end of the day, I want everyone that’s watching me, every eye that’s on me, to look at me and say, ‘You know what, that’s what we want to be, that’s the example that we like.’ And so, I’m more American than him. So, when they were chanting ‘USA,’ you damn sure…
LOL people are still cosplaying as Ali G?
White Man, White Woman, Black Man, Everyone Else, Black Woman.
That’s the order of bullshit in this country.
In Michael Moore’s autobio he relates a conversation he had with a white supremacist after an interview. The guy told him, (paraphrasing) “We know you’re going to use the footage to make fun of us. But there will be one person in your audience who didn’t know they agreed with us until they see what we say and join us.…
Yeah, there are 5 seasons of this show. I think the two on Netflix are only the last two that came out, and there’s a movie on the way or out already too. Several of those other characters in the diner that show up in the Netflix seasons had their own episodes already in the past seasons.
This sounds amazing. I’ve been too busy as a dad to watch much TV the past few years, but it comes across as having similar slow burn slice of life themes as an anime called Mushishi. That was probably the last anime I ever watched some 10 or so years ago, but like certain meals, the taste of each episode would linger…