It’s a shame that the turtle suits at the premiere look so much better than the ones in the actual movie they’re premiering
It’s a shame that the turtle suits at the premiere look so much better than the ones in the actual movie they’re premiering
If anyone is interested at all, I posted a video on Youtube about the Iron Lords some time ago. I hope a few possibilities I mentioned carry over to the new DLC. That’d be pretty awesome!
The shitty fans aren’t usually publicized, and a lot of times POC don’t even have to deal with them. I mean, I know for a fact that there are some racists at my Alma Matter, for example. I know from personal experience. And yet, I was never made to feel unwelcome at the games. I just didn’t have interactions with…
He didn’t Czech himself and thus wrecked himself.
Well now I know, and illusion is the ultimate weapon.
one on the left says something like “i think im a hero” or something like that. right one says “i might reply to your tweet” or something like that
I think it’s only proper I throw up a link to the N.E.X.T wave theme song.
Figma and Figuarts ALL DAY. I have NO idea why anyone wastes their time with these entirely inferior Marvel Legends. They’re so ugly.
“If you’re the type of pizza eater that does not like crust...”
I always used to hate Crucible as well, but Shaxx’s bounties really got me appreciating it for the casual fun that it can be.
This whole thread under Agent_O is the reason they nerf guns. If you stick to one gun; many will; then it becomes basic. The point of having many different drops is to encourage you to use different things.
Hawkmoon is pretty good again, after they buffed it in the update!
Hawkmoon has actually become a great hand cannon again in Crucible since the most recent update. It has the largest clip of any hand cannon, and the Hawkmoon/LiTC perks proc more often.
Yep I agree... after they nerfed the Hawkmoon and shotguns I was done. I’m talking as PVE player. It just felt that they sucked all the fun out of my hours of hard work there. Plus there wasn’t much to do anymore.
It is still so weird to me that Iron Man is an A-lister hero now. Since I was 5 I have been reading and collecting Iron Man comics and I am 32 now. For years I would tell everyone about why they should read Iron man and no one ever listened. Years later thanks to an awesome movie and casting choice, Iron man rocketed…