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The best part of this expansion? It features three tracks for bosses from Metal Gear Rising composer Jamie Christopherson.

In RE, green herbs heal you a small amount. Mixing it with red herbs (which do little to nothing on their own) triples the healing power.

Having a mixture of red and green is always a good thing in any RE game.

I'm there with u man. It's funny cause it says dressing but the joke is over my head

If I want a cologne to bring in a zombie infested city, I’ll bring this instead.

I get that online multiplayer - or the FGC’s advocacy of it at the expense of everything else - is the root cause. But it’s still bullshit - both as a rationale and an approach. Mortal Kombat 10's and Nartuto Ultimate Ninja Storm 4's trouncing of Street Fighter 5's opening sales would - hopefully - put a lot of this

I’m a guy who thinks Destiny is made of rainbows and unicorns but I’d argue you’re being a bit insane if you’d argue the stories of Destiny and the Division aren’t about on par at worst. I’d even give The Division a leg up because I’m enthralled with where they are going with Keller, the story behind The Cleaners and

...What? The Division’s style and tone is semi-realism. Destiny’s style and tone is cartoony Halo action. In fact if you take a close look at all the different enemies you’ll see they’re all reskinned Halo enemies. Destiny is pretty much the Halo game Bungie wanted to make next but Microsoft wouldn’t let them.

“Manizard, I choose YOU!”

“Pff, amateurs.”

“Do you bleed?”
*Stands behind Superman, eyeing his butt*
“You will.”

Don’t you mean Fate/Zero?

Damn you...I am crying already...

I was just going to come comment on how good this picture is.

Isn’t it Fate: Zero?

I bought these and then went up to my girlfriend, and started shaking it and looking into it. She wasn’t very happy...

Chris Rock is a gift. HE IS A TREASURE. FIGHT ME.

See, this concerns me, because what if he’s not trolling? What if he’s asking because he’s a dumb, sheltered, 20 something like most of you? You just told him he might as well not try to figure the angle on this problem.

Again not saying racism doesn’t exist. But I do wonder if blacks have told themselves that they are oppressed so much that they begin to believe those thoughts.