
There's... somethingonthewing.

Tell him I'm eating .

Robin Williams, voice of the forerunners?

The ways Valve manages to keep TF2 interesting is nothing short of amazing.

Awesome, thanks!

So I just made a new account with my firstname.lastname, but I still have my old account that's synced up with my Xbox Live account and stuff. Is there a way I can merge these accounts?

"tough day to be my fan or richie branson. sorry I don't shut up more often. I thought I was doing the right thing and standing up for my friends but I was wrong to handle it like I did. again sorry for all the negativity that happened today because of what I did."

I went to a MC Chris show.

If Toonami is still around by the time this gets dubbed and brought to the states, I think that would be a match made in heaven. Other than the fact they'd have to edit it a lot to get it on TV.

So are they doing anything like last summer where you can get free items for different games? I can't find any mention of such.

So, are they doing anything like last summer where you can get free items for games by completing certain achievements? I can't find anything like that.

Right. And I understand that some people will want to buy it just because of that fact, and the convenience of not having to make it yourself.

For half the price and some simple sewing you could easily make the jumpsuit yourself.

That's no moon. I can tell by the pixels.

It also helps if you look EXACTLY like the character your dressing up as.