
That’s a real humdinger of an article, partner.

R6 units were indeed made for TFA, I’m just not sure any made it on screen.

Got away safely!

It seems that the screen of a iPhone 6 will not actually fill the screen of the Pip-Boy, which contradicts the mock-up they’ve supplied. Hopefully this will be tweaked for the final product

Have some leaked concept art

XBL: Agent RayBansI sent you guys a request as soon as you linked to your crew the other day.

Its a conspiracy! Microsoft paid Rockstar to make GTA deliberately break old consoles, to ensure sales of the Xbox One!

So much hate for a 2 year old comment!

Are these new hats themed from last nights episode? I haven't seen it yet.

Wookieepedia says the original set was was destroyed over time, but the prequel set was built in the exact same spot.

Brock's avatar item for the 360 is the ORB? They couldn't have come up with a more interesting prop? At least in TF2 you get his knife...

I really like that Boba is wearing Jango's helmet with some thrown together body armor. Too bad we'll never see it in action.

No Bruce Campbell? Whats the point?