
I don't see how this one is the most advanced. What about that one that was revealed a little while ago that works via brain waves?

Sorry fella, I can't help you. I only know Photoshop.

I love this one.

And for those without photoshop/the patience to use the clone tool.

When I started making this there were no hat jokes. And now that I've finished there are a few. Oh well, I'll post my try anyway.

The donations are now up to $45,516.99. Thats good news.

Taken down by a lvl 1 sentry in two shots? Freddie Wong must be weak little baby man.

I can't stop watching the video and reading through the blog entry. This really is just too cool for school.

I didn't want one before the price drop, and I still do not want one after.

November 5th is also my birthday, and this would be a pretty cool present.

4th place? Granted I know nothing about dancing, or this competition, or the other dance routines, or about judging, but I don't think you could do any better than that based on the crowd reaction alone.


And the award goes to: NeoTechni

My name is mud.

I was making fun of his "George W Bush doesn't care about black people" remark, more than I was making a serious comment.

Because white people do not care about Kanye West.

Thats one way to get me to eat my vegetables...