
Its really easy to say something that has already happened was inevitable.

The times they are a changing. When I went to the Episode III midnight premier I wore my stormtrooper armor the whole time.

When I read the title of this article I was expecting to find a story about a man who was playing FO:NV, got angry at a glitch, and killed his dog in anger.

I see the ghost of Douglas Adams some times, but only on Thursdays.

@Donutt007: If this doesn't come in the top 20 I am going to demand a recount. L-O-L.

I'm really flattered that some of you guys think my 'shop looks "real". For comparison sake, here is the original unaltered photo.

@Salen: If you do, send it to me please!

I've been progressively liking each Star Wars Adidas collection less and less after the first one. This one included.

NOTHING. My 360 is still broken. Anyone want a red ringed Halo 3 edition Xbox?

So this article was posted after they were all sold out. Nice.

Any excuse to keep playing New Vegas is a good one.

Point and shoot sure, but I don't think I'd trust my DSLR on that

@Foxhack: SPOILER ALERT: He some how ends up in a pile of horse crap

Need we forget?