
Welcome to the sad reality of things where: There aren’t nearly as many gear heads in the world as we naturally expect. No matter how cool some cars and motorcycles are, 99% of humans just don’t care.

I feel much the same, but I persevere!

I have this horrible luck where the next mission I play after a patch update turns out to be bugged, yet not addressed by any of the patches...

Just wow Bungie, you’re unbearably terrible. Dinklage’s performance as Ghost is the result of a complete lack of direction from Bungie, it’s so obvious.

Pretty good Joker? This brilliant!

my girlfriend: “Are you ever going to actually finish that game?”

Actually I think Tim is just really excited for No Man’s Sky, like really excited.

That IS a nice-looking console, but I’d feel like some brain-washed Bungie slave if I owned it, so uh no. That developer has no integrity at this point.

Happy to see Kotaku cover this, that Q&A was absurd and Smith was practically begging for a slap across the face. Basically confirms all bizarre and flat-out insulting descisions within Destiny from the start. Bungie took potentially one of the best combinations of game design and development wisdom, shit on it, got

When the vast majority of what was revealed turned out to be more of the same, there was little to get hyped about in the first place. Big news on No Man’s Sky was my most anticipated moment of the show... not even a release date, pfft.

ME3 was a big decline for the series, and DA:I was a mega-budget-turd of an RPG... yet we’re supposed to be excited for this? Not sure that’s possible considering Bioware has shown almost no ability to make a strong RPG for what, more than 3 years?

Inquisition is pretty terrible compared to how I remember the original Dragon Age. I bailed on DA:I about a third of the way into it, while I completed Origins and then started a new character.

I’ve only just started the game, but it’s already more compelling than DA:I and Skyrim combined (which isn’t saying a whole lot I admit). The deliberate yet effortless way it combines various elements is so great. Just the simple investigation and build-up to hunting down and thwarting the noonwraith is 10x more fun

I’m really struggling to give a sh*t about these people’s whining. It says a lot about someone when what they hold in highest regard, is eye candy.

The headline completely threw me off. I thought you were referring to the relatively low quality of last night’s episode, not the difficult-to-handle content. Pacing was sloppy by GoT standards, and the bulk of the action scenes were just poorly edited and shot. One of the weaker episodes I can recall.

I enjoyed it, good (but not great) cyber-punk atmosphere. Honestly though, the best part of it was the music during the start screen, nice moody arrangement that sets the tone.

This is a fun list, most of each actor’s past films I expect to see, are instead little surprises of films I’d either forgotten about or haven’t seen. Why not the rest of the cast though?

Very impressed with everything I’m seeing here. The mish mash of gameplay styles all look solid, the atmosphere is positively splendid and there’s no sense of clunky execution in any department that I could see. Honestly, it looks like the most inviting wasteland I’ve seen in a game.

Oh yes, them too ;)

I’m so incredibly grateful that From and Sony had the balls to fund and release Demon’s Souls in the first place, because like some of these devs conclude: They are deeply complex games that show a tremendous amount of respect for the player. And because of that respect, you as the player almost feel this sense of