I hope the Trevorrow script for IX leaks in some form eventually. I don’t want it made, but I’m interested to see what he planned.
You mean other than the soundtrack, costume design, art direction, sound design, Ian McDiarmid, Sam Jackson, Ewan McGregor, set design, action set pieces like the pod race and saber fight, and the overall world building.
I don’t think it was Saru, I think it was a different Kelpian. Remember they took a shuttle to see the Emperor, the Shenzhou stayed behind and Saru wasn’t with them. It just happened to look like him. It’ll be bad enough if Saru ends up finding out that Burnham ate a Kelpian, I think he’d actually die if it turned out…
Star Trek has done some dumb bullshit over the years, but I don’t think I’ve seen such reductive cynical bullshit delivered so seriously. It makes me think that the writers hate their audience.
Prime Lorca died from a rare disease. So his father crossed over to the mirror universe and stole Mirror Lorca as a baby. This imbalance has caused the problems with the mycelium network and many freakish or “fringe” events are occurring in both universes. Lorca’s dad also did experiments on Michael Burnham and Paul…
I mean - ‘competent’ implies that they put in the bare minimum of due diligence in setting the Twist! up.
Really all this does is beg the question of whether or not Prime Lorca is still alive, which I’m guessing will be answered in the next episode or so. Also, please tell me Saru isn’t going to get promoted to captain if/when they get back. That would be insufferable.
Oh god, this is setting up a plot point where Saru…
This series is losing me. Seems like every big twist has been predicted in this comment section.
Just the fact that he had unexplained back wounds, slept with his phaser under his pillow and that his admiral ex-gf said something along the lines of “you’re not the same person anymore” or “I don’t recognize you anymore” was enough to send warning signals to my (admittedly bored by anything Burnham) brain.
I’d read the rumours pretty early on, before even the Voq stuff, but a few things just seemed odd (picking Burnham in the first place, his weird talks with her, his insistence with Stametts, the Admiral stuff, the alternate universe mentions in his office, and then the coordinates he punched in for the spore drive…
And how it wasn’t dark on the mirror TOS Enterprise? And intendant Kira wasn’t human.
It’s also a weird fact for her to know. No living being from the Prime universe has crossed over before Discovery. Knowing about the Federation and the broad strokes of the Prime universe seems logical. But knowing about light sensitivity being a difference the two is just lazy writing.
My complaint about all of this is it seems like the first season was largely built around two “holy shit” twists (I.e., Tyler is Voq, and Lorca is really Mirror Lorca) that one could see coming 5 episodes ago. I think they could have done better in not telegraphing all of this.
All of a sudden they’re light sensitive? What a weird thing to change.
The remake is meh but Ash vs. Evil Dead is phenomenal and (I don’t say this lightly) every bit as good as the original films.
Look, if there’s any silver lining at all to this disgusting victory lap, it’s that once people wise up at how totally and completely the Republican tax bill has fucked us all, it’ll be next to impossible for Ryan to weasel his way out of taking the brunt of the blame.