
He could have at the very least watched Milk.

Heaven forbid that a man see a woman’s shoulders. Imagine the reaction that the tiniest bit of sideboob would produce? There’d probably be a whole Republican party shutdown.

10-15% lower after a raise? Good on these two for leaving, that’s insulting.

I trim and wash, more for equality and aesthetics than anything. Never have been a big fan of hummers.

There’s a village here in Alberta called “Consort”, locals pronounce it as “Concert”.

That gif could only get better if Janeway was mouthing “Aw, muffin.”

My grandfather went through a fad about 10 years ago where he did this. If I recall, he even bought a fancy tray to do it. I never got into it, they tasted fine, but always had a weird not-quite-crisp, not-quite-soggy texture to them.

Not here in Canada. And not only that, they are often white.

I’ve always had good luck with reading and checking the time. They never match if you attempt it a second time, and boom! Off on what ever psychotic adventure my demented lil mind comes up with that night. 

Cosby, though, didn’t consider what they did sex, even though he believed he might have given her an orgasm. He called what they did “petting” or “necking.”

“So, how’s your thesis going?”

“O’Reilly” is tough; “too”, on the other hand...


Because he is a “baby murdering, pro-abortion libtard”. Or something equally stupid, or possibly even stupider.

She is a fucking treasure.

Although, compared to a lot of the leaks that have happened in remote areas up here (Canada!) that run undetected/reported for days or weeks, 84 gallons is a shitty drop in the bucket. These are just the big ones...

The word you’re looking for is vigilante/vigilantism.

Puppetry of the Penis?

There are posters with inexplicable visages. There’s a grave for a kid, buildings with faces on them. At one point, he comes across a glitched-out crying child.

They work surprisingly well. Bots tend to answer right away with really simple responses that make no sense given the context of the questions. People are either confused or tend to think it’s funny. And they’re contacting me, so if they’re real, they tend to further the conversation.