

I had a good one from many years back that was a return call from an angry drunk woman that we mistakenly dialed instead of my brother on New Years Eve. Even though we apologized for dialing the wrong number, she repeatedly redialed us over then next few hours asking not only why we called, but what were we up to for

What are you talking about? Literally everybody in Zimbabwe was a trillionaire :P

You chose Star Wars over Firefly, so you’re alright in my books.

Fuck. I’m going on a nugget run. Who’s with me?


One thing is for certain: he will either tell the truth or he won’t.

Ties! Red: Republican. Blueish: Democrat(maybe).

Attempt noted. Now feel free to snark.


I had to look that up. I was NOT disappointed.

Well, I’m off to

Both of their eyes are dead. They’re bottomless. peering into the very depths of your soul.

I’m going to miss that guy. He’s utterly adorable.

If it is on a separate case cover, you could pop that off an put it in a ziploc/bag to isolate it.

All I could think while watching it was: “How is this a fucking thing?”

Or he gets paid in American Dollars.

Goddamn do I ever miss being able to comment directly on images :(