
It does depend where you are and the stations you go to. The stations I frequent in Calgary are usually yellow/diesel and black/gas. Petrocan does use red for gas, however.

Here’s a theory: he never will!

Smh will always mean “so much hate” to me, as well. Because in my heart of hearts, I’m a gumpy old man.

Now the real question: How much is my lightly used Planet of the Hoojibs playing record book worth?

Our wives usually have better things to do.

Don’t forget Lindelof. Just selectively forget anything he did other than The Leftovers.

My wife is similar. Always perpetually cold, despite dressing for the weather/conditions. The only time she is comfortable is at her moms house, since she keeps the thermostat cranked up to a hellish 27°C.

Layers are where it’s at. I’ll take a sweater or long sleeved shirt over upping the thermostat any day.

Worked for me. Watching Netflix is pretty much the only thing that my wife is able to do now considering how hands-free it is. Our three month old daughter basically demands that you walk around carrying her 90% of the time that she isn’t sleeping.

Despite having a (woefully inadequate) full-time job, I still have to make regular withdrawls from the Bank of Mom and Dad. Not something I’m proud of, but it happens and happens far too often than I’d like.

Either that, or more force sensitive people are being actively sought out to trained as future Jedi.

I never thought I’d say this, but I REALLY miss the Progressive Conservatives. At least they weren’t so riddled with the endemic bigotry that the CPC has inherited.

Yep. I actually had a conversation yesterday after voting with an 18 year old Conservative supporter. Poor little brainwashed kid was adamant that the Liberals were going to not only outlaw, but forcibly remove his guns. Boggles my mind.

I’d be inclined to agree, but I have a feeling that areas such as Calgary and Edmonton might buck the trend somewhat, primarily based on economic reasons. That said, they still wouldn’t be (and aren’t) the primary gateways or final destination for immigrants and refugees settling in Canada. I’d love to see some actual

Among other things, I work part time at Cabela’s. The guys there are going to be especially butthurt. I’m scheduled to be there tonight. It’ll be unbearable.

I also have the good sense not to gloat about it, but it hasn’t stopped people from trying to blame me for the looming death of the oil patch.

I saw one like that this morning, and immediately commented on how the sun had still risen today here in Alberta.

That was a close one, wasn’t it! Glad Hehr got it. I’m in Nose Hill (and like , we weren’t as fortunate at the polls. The worst part? I’m right on the west side of Deerfoot. Had I like, I don’t know, 2-300 meters east (sure, there aren’t houses in that area, but still!), I’d have been in Skyview, which had a healthy