
My wife kept her maiden name (mine is drab and boring, so I respect and empathize with her decision not to be shackled with it), and the topic of last name for our children has come up as well. Splitting the last names between any children was one of the more favorable options, although I still say we game the system

My wife kept her maiden name (mine is drab and boring, so I respect and empathize with her decision not to be shackled with it), and the topic of last name for our children has come up as well. Splitting the last names between any children was one of the more favorable options, although I still say we game the system

I'd love to see something like this for Word, considering this won't be very friendly to the formatting and editing that I should be doing right now...

My only problem with these is the stopper in the cap. Slightest crease and it leaks like a sieve.

My only problem with these is the stopper in the cap. Slightest crease and it leaks like a sieve.

I've never cosplayed outside of wearing my Halloween costume to a midnight screening of The Rocky Horror Picture Show the night after Halloween. Which, probably doesn't count. However, being dressed up as (an impeccable likeness of) Captain Jean-Luc Picard, and getting hit on by some random dude dressed as a perfect

I think that one of the key reasons that causes me to be lazy is that I undervalue my own work, particularly with regards to my thesis. No matter how many times I talk to my supervisor about it, and the merits/contributions of my research to my field, it just seems like there is nothing that my thesis really tells us

This would have made things so much easier when I collected stamps as a kid...

A car needs no outside help. Any car with a functioning roof and heater can go in any sort of horrible weather and create its own cozy environment within. And it doesn't even need to be that luxurious. I've run into cabs of work trucks to escape freezing, driving rain, and that cab, with its cheap vinyl seats, AM

As a fellow emetophobe, I can empathize.

Honestly, I'm amazed that my Book Overboard Count = 1. Not that there haven't been many near misses. I've even partially submerged my iPad before, but at least there I can put it inside a large ziploc bag and still be able to turn pages. My Dex score isn't nearly high enough to be able to do that with a book.

The only book I ever dropped in the tub as a kid was the first book of Tad Williams' Otherland series. Not a big loss.

Boom. We have a winner! Personally I do down into the basement of the building. Hardly any students use that washroom, let alone know about it. So, not only is it almost always empty, but more importantly it is always cleaner than any of the bathrooms that are constantly sullied by heathens on the 1-7th floors.

I'm actually surprised that isn't a thing yet.

This accurately portrays the day I'm having today.

My maternal grandmother passed away May 5th of this year, three months before my wedding. It's not the same as losing a parent, but it was rough, being the first time that I'd lost anyone that I was close to outside of uncles I never saw during my early childhood.

"Best position: Hand to partner's genitals; rubbing above clothes is much easier than skin-to-skin contact."

Thank you for that little piece of gifception :)

A Trainspotting reference? Well played, sir!

I use my iPad almost everyday. Twice a day during my weekday commutes. Do I use it in any way other than as a replacement for my MIA Kobo ereader? No.