I only really experienced the crazy part, very little that was scary. Most of the time is was kind of boring, to be honest. Depending on the day of the week, it was often quite dead, so you sat around a lot since cleaning only takes so long.
I only really experienced the crazy part, very little that was scary. Most of the time is was kind of boring, to be honest. Depending on the day of the week, it was often quite dead, so you sat around a lot since cleaning only takes so long.
I've never understood why/how people get so irate with servers/cashiers/etc for doing their job. It happens all too often. Hell, it's even happened to me once when I worked nights at a 7-11.
It's a cool game, really neat and unique mechanics. Using musical notes and scale as the method to access universe altering magic? Genius.
I'd love to see a visually updated release of Loom.
Not only that, but I posted it 6 hours after the story was posted.
Ah. Still capable of causing untold trouble, which is what counts when you have a personal armored vehicle. :P
What are the tubes behind the lights? Are those mortars?
I'm okay with it not being there.
I got really excited about that Bigfoot game, since we had something like that when I was a kid. Turns out we had "The Bigfoot Game" instead, where Bigfoot kicks boulders at hikers who are trying to climb a mountain.
Imagine a color that you can't even imagine...now do that nine more times.
There's a peripheral that I wouldn't want to buy second hand...
I'm envious of the metal you've been fondling.
Too bad I have way too many dice for that to be feasible :(
Man, I remember this game! I was in junior high when it came out, so obviously the fact that your character's name was "Dink Smallwood" was a huge cause for giggles. The other thing I remember was how long the damn thing took to download on our crappy dial-up connection, despite the fact that it was less than 20 megs!
Nah, there's a classic Lego figure in the middle of the eighth row up from the bottom :)
Kids. Despite the fact that babies in general are terrified of me. Once they get to be around two or so their attitude changes though and they become obsessed with my beard. I guess giant archaeologist beards are not appreciated until after kids can utter a few words.
Sounds like it worked out quite well. I might have to try that with lettuce or kale next year.