
Here’s the thing: I don’t think MacFarlane intended it to be a parody. I think he meant for it to be a loving homage to Star Trek: The Next Generation, albeit with dick jokes. Compared to something like Galaxy Quest or Other Space, it’s pretty much a straight pastiche of TNG with a lot of Family Guy-style humor

the best beauty! the most terrific beauty! people are saying that!

I guessed that Trump said, “When it comes to beauty, I love beauty,” because it’s the type of dumb as hell, word-salady shit he says constantly. “The thing about beauty, that a lot of people are saying, is how much beauty there is in it.”

Thank you for clarifying this.

Seriously, this post needs a few edits. The Drive software is leaving, not the service. This article is misleading.

Maybe clarify that this is not actually affecting the Drive cloud service but only the apps labeled Drive on Macs and PCs.


Just once please someone name names. Like that heavy hitter agents secretary. Do more of that, not this. Because this we already know.

Thank you for acknowledging that the 90s miniseries sucked balls and was not scary at all. Tim Curry was fine and fun, but frightening he was not.

I was hit by a car and clinically dead for five minutes.

Wow - I’m sorry for your loss. Being a parent of two young boys that would have destroyed me regardless of faith (and I’m Catholic from birth and been to more funerals than I care to count already).

My father tells me that he visited my grandfather in the hospital after he slipped in the shower. He was ok, a few bruises, but my dad says he had the feeling it was the last time he saw him. Sure enough, my grandfather passed a few days later. Not only do people sometimes seem to know their time is up, but apparently

I come a non-religious family.

They’re 12-year-olds who get bullied, swear, make fun of each others’ mothers, ride bikes around town, and feel authentic in the same way the kids of Stranger Things did (which, for the record, is influenced by this, not the other way around).

Then again, some might say that religion itself is nothing but an elaborate mechanism for coping with death anxiety.

As someone from the NW, please help me understand the mentality of *not* getting the fuck out of there as soon as possible.

There’s a huge subduction zone in the NW that’s going to cause a huge earthquake on a scale that we have never seen anywhere in the world . It’s not a question of “if”, it’s only when. I have no idea why people continue to live in the NW because they have plenty of warning that this earthquake is coming to swallow

Hearing Jon Snow say “Happy Holidays, Motherfucker!” as he strikes down the Night King is the only way this show can end for me now.

I hear the whole ASoIaF saga is meant to be an analogy for climate change and how if the world doesn’t get its shit together and stop focusing on shortsighted petty squabbles and start focusing on the thing that threatens the whole human race really soon, humanity will be doomed by the time they see the danger.

Or how different countries and cultures have different stories about Santa. Santa arrives in winter.