True, I was thinking that walkers aren't attracted to colors, but I forgot about the humans. As we all know, they're worst than the walkers, etc.
True, I was thinking that walkers aren't attracted to colors, but I forgot about the humans. As we all know, they're worst than the walkers, etc.
I'm getting tired of the grays and browns though. I understand everything is going to be dirty and/or faded, but nobody has on a blue shirt, like, ever? I think the best we've done is Maggie in a very dark maroon, maybe. Picture it...the group's in a Walmart looking through the racks, not much is left...there's a…
No, apparently the walker that ate her ate EVERYTHING. Srsly, there was nothing ridiculous.
Ugh, it's like she picked "Sexy Zombie Hunter" from iParty. I get that they dressed her like that to be the same as her entrance in the comics, but! So much exposed flesh for walkers to bite into!! I'm very glad she is more sensibly dressed now.
And a white cardigan, IIRC? I was all, girl, really? White??
So Tyrese didn't kill that cannibal, but he did beat the hell out of him. Now when we see this guy in the scene with the Bob-B-Q, he looks fine, no bruises or how is it that everybody on this show has Buffy Slayer-level healing abilities?
Awesome! Also, I don't know where you are, but I'm outside of Boston, so the weather is not going to get any better than this for walking!!
Yeah, it sucks. I have a desk job, so if it's a not-going-to-the-gym day, I get less than 2000 steps a day. I'm pretty busy when I get home, making dinner, housework, hanging with the kids, so I thought I'd get a little more than that, but I just started wearing a Jawbone UP and I was pretty shocked. So yesterday…
I think she's just holding a wall sit against the exercise ball while holding the other ball (I think it's a medicine ball). It's really amazing how hard it is to just stay still after about 30 seconds in a position like that.
What is this? Is she doing yoga with her pants pulled halfway down her ass? Is this how people do yoga now?
As long as you don't smell and all your private bits are covered, I do not care what you're wearing. J. Bry sounds like a bit of a prig.
They know that when their kids older they are going to be absolutely insufferable and HATE their parents and their "quirky" videos. They know that, right? How could they not know...
At 18??!! That's a bit much LOL
Yeah, Gen-Xers got the shit end of the stick. Told our whole childhoods that if we worked hard, we too could have a home, 1 vacation a year, two cars and a nice retirement. What a load. And the worst part is the shame that goes along with the lack of "success". The belief that it's your fault, because you didn't…
Really?? I'm in my late 30s and my mom wouldn't let us out of her site (it was stifling). And she was from Europe (Italy)! As a grandmum, she's still the same way; she doesn't even like it when I let my brother take my 9 year old to an amusement park with his 9 year old.
"And I will catch baby, cradle and all."
They were tired. Come on, murder takes a lot out of you.
Holy hell that's gross. The look on her dad's face...I'm gonna be sick.
Meh, they should be ashamed! If they got poo on their arm, they wouldn't just wipe it off with dry paper, would they? Why is that area any different? It's right near my cooch, fergodsakes.
Yeah, Cottonelle wipes can suck it. However! Baby wipes are the shit! And by that I mean, they remove all traces of shit, while not irritating the delicate bum area. Get the fragrance free ones, ladies! And *never* flush them!!