
Agreed. But, there are plenty of other articles devoted to highlighting the failings of the screenplay. These videos are designed to showcase the quality of CGI work that ILM does. I think it's fair to judge effects work separately from other elements of the film and appreciate them on their own merits.

Abrams this, Khan that, blah blah movie's crap... Okey-doke. I'm pretty sure this is an ILM sponsored video, not an Abrams, not Paramount, not Star Trek.

So I'm guessing these are a bad idea then.

But some things can't be transposed without losing something in the process

Ah, hello every weekend in college. I remember you well. I'm sorry I couldn't take you with me, but there was only enough room for pizza and beer.


Most days I consider keeping up my personal hygiene regularly a win. Journaling daily so far is a fail. Sadly, doing this is nearly unthinkable. Pretty cool.

In what may be the first discovery of its kind

"Suck it! You got a crazy that I ain't got!"

What happens if you gender-swap characters when reading to your kids?

I never understood the hate for non-fans. I love(d) the show. But I know good and well that it wasn't only because of Fox's bumbling that it got cancelled. A lot of people just didn't get it and/or just didn't like it. Unless we're talking about some kind of superfan that wears a long brown coat to work everyday and

Modern wars are never truly over.

Wow. That would give the question "What's your handicap?" a whole new meaning.

I'm in favor of any pejorative term turned around and used as a compliment. I wish that would happen with all slurs. It would render all the d-bags nearly incapable of finding an insulting term to stick. Suck it haters.

However, being down one man could have catastrophic repercussions for the team

Yup. That's what I said. Nothing scandalous or prudish there. I've seen a penis. I have a penis. But, given a choice, I'd just as soon not see cartoons of masturbating men. While I mistakenly didn't realize it was likely for anyone to take issue with my expressing that preference, I'm still not convinced anyone doing

I knew it!

Thanks for the warning. I was really close to clicking the link, but definitely DO NOT want to see dudes masturbating, cartoon or otherwise. Take solace in that you took a bullet for the rest of us.

These ice formations are called penitentes, after a local religious order whose members wear spiked white hoods.

Who do you call for erections lasting longer than 3 millennia?