
I would largely be happy with government oversight over a corporation in the name of safety, if that government weren’t the Florida government, which consistently obfuscated and altered COVID health data as they saw fit for political purposes, likely resulting in the deaths of innumerable Florida citizens.

What’s the end goal with this anyways? You delay the state agency from inspecting Disney’s rides as a power play? Congrats, half of WDW is closed and nobody visits. Disney cuts back on operating expenses due to lack of business, which means massive layoffs like at the start of 2020. Except oops, Florida’s entire

And if all goes well, he’ll be crying on the ground, felt pen ink covering his face, going “The state is blue.”

So is the state going to take responsibility for accidents on rides they’ve certified as “safe” in a scenario where this comes true? (For the record I think DeSantis is full of hot air and he just continues to dig himself a hole where all of these highly specific, targeted rule changes bolster Disney’s case).

That makes no sense. This is either trolling or extremely ignorance.

This is precisely a Putin play... Blow it up to restrain gas shipments and put pressure on Europe as they head into Winter, then pretend that it wasn’t Russia... 

This sabotage is 100% in Russia’s playbook.

I’m less inclined to think we or our allies did it. We never shown any will to destroy infrastructure that would cause a detriment to our allies, where Russia has shown they’ll lob missiles into territory indiscriminately. Not to mention the relatively close proximity the pipelines are to Kalingrad which houses

Remember when this website used to be about videogames, not random Internet celebrities?

So in less than 48 hours this has gone from alleging/revealing her husband was controlling every aspect of her life financially and emotionally, forcing her to continue doing streams, promising to sell off everything she had and threatening to murder her dogs if she did anything to displease him to… oh he just gave

Which itself has become a toxic masculine, gun, Jesus, antitax cult.

These same people called a Black woman woke for existing in a movie. I think it’s really just a catch all for anything the GOP doesn’t like now.

“Woke” is just “politically correct,” rebranded.

Care about someone other than yourself? WOKE!!!

5 years ago left wing groups used to say, “Stay woke” as a f-u to The Orange One’s administration. But today if a person uses the term “woke” they are labeled as a Trumper.

Basically anything not conservative is “woke” now.

....and they make a great chicken sandwich.  Service is extraordinarily good as well.

If you find what they said offensive, then the problem is with you. Where do you find Chick-fil-A? Malls, airports, commercial areas, and communities. The good Lord has richly blessed me with three Chick-fil-As within a 2.1 miles of our house.

Indeed, right-wingers can believe multiple stupid things at once.

Is the publishing editor anti-Biden or something? Because this article that thinks it’s dunking on the film is actually advertising it...? At least I have Ad Block so no one gets money from my click.