
I went from an HTC Touch Diamond (a POS Windows Mobile 6.1 phone) to an iPhone 4. I just wasn't convinced about the Android platform. IOS was great compared to the old Windows Mobile. I switched from the iPhone 4 to the HTC Droid DNA this past December. I agree with every point stated by the author. I am very

I may not always be a genius, but when I am...I'm brilliant! Stay smart my friends.


You and me both! I also would like Discovery I.D. and Animal Planet.

That my friend was funny!

I also would like to know if anyone has a copy of Good Burger that I can borrow!

Meanwhile I am stuck with just 3 Mbps where I live. @#$%

Hey Giz...isn't there a Windows Phone 8 launch going on? Not covering it?

Hey, hey, hey, hey. So what you will about the Surface RT...but I'll be damned if you speak ill of the Zune. I still have the first generation 32 gig Zune in my car. I also have and iPhone (for now..HTC 8X I'm looking at you), so I am not pro MS or Apple.

These guys may be able to help!

I thought the same thing!

The air was very cold. There was shrinkage!

I have had my iPhone 4 for almost two years now (switching from a crappy Windows mobile phone), but IOS is getting a little boring to me. It has served it's purpose, but I can't help but look at that sexy Windows Phone 8 OS. The GS3 has also had my attention for a while now.

Zoom in? OK, if you say so.

No way! I'm sticking with Google +. It's going to catch on any minute now. Yep. Wait and see. Anybody there?

I'm glad I'm not the only one that went there.

It's interesting to see the comments that state it's a's no big deal. Apple believes that every minute detail was a big deal in the Samsung case, so a shoulder shrug here is not merited. I will point out that I am not pro Apple or Samsung. I am pro choice...wait a minute. Even that statement can get you

Cocaine is a hell of a drug!

Yes. I would love to be enshrined in a tissue/suggestions box!

I second that!