
Or Chris Chandler during his reign with the Falcons!

Must have been a Mac Club meeting. I kid, I kid!

What about some sort of mutation occurring over time leading to corrupt data. Not sure if that's a possibility, but it is DNA.

So AES Encryption is so good, not even the NSA can't crack it.

Beat me to it.

Heaven forbid that Apple starts making television sets. I can only imagine the lawsuits generated because of similar designs.

Looks like your cat needs a set of Doggie Dentures. No seriously, I'm glad you are ok.

I'm in my brand new safe room. It's not important where I got it from.

When you go home tonight and watch the Olympics or whatever on your widescreen LCD rectangle, think about those rectangular tablets and phones in question.

My Facebook account must have changed over night. I got a message stating that I have the new Timeline now and that I have 7 days to hide things or make changes. Mine goes live August 7th. I had a good run being rebellious. Now I will fall in line with everyone else.

I agree.

I always quietly wondered if it was Stephen Hawking indeed manipulating the device, or was there a puppet master behind the scenes.

That is exactly what I was going to type.

I'm in for two jetpacks!!

What did I just watch?

I agree. I have been reluctantly shying away some good deals on a new laptop because I want to wait and see what the Windows 8 devices have to offer.

Pepe Le Moo is aggressive and will not take no for an answer.

I believe that you have just proven Mr. Wagner wrong.

That's what I was thinking.

Nice post Brent.