
This is too bad. The one serious complaint I could make against the film was that the pace was breakneck and that adding some more slow scenes for character moments would have helped. It feels like something like 20 minutes got chopped out. I’ll be glad to see the scenes that were lost completely, but I’d really

As with the post this is replying to, spoilers in-coming:

I got the feeling this might have been the case. While watching it, I even had a suspicion that he was actually dead and that the other scenes we had seen him in during the trailers had been removed from the final cut. This is all fine by me, it works well as is, and we don’t need to see Poe get back to his comrades

Possibly because they suspected that they could be photographed and have their sign seen by English-speaking people on the Internet.

Yeah, it’s really scary that a tiny mishap can result in a huge, deadly crash. I think about this every day when I drive in to work and back home again, that if I or any one of the dozens of other drivers close to me make a tiny mistake, it could result in the death of many people including myself. I look forward to

I think an area of actual concern would be malicious remote hacking.

You are what's wrong with the world.

The thing about that is that these cars will statistically still be safer than driving the vehicle yourself. Even if a bug caused some accidents, it’ll still be safer. It might seem strange, but sometimes things which appear dangerous are actually much, much safer. For example, people don’t have any trouble getting

I think a big part of the problem is the disparate social skills boys are expected to develop to be successful in dating. Girls are socialized to not approach or initiate in dating, boys are socialized to initiate or have basically no chance for love/companionship/sex/whatever. This, combined with the entitlement

Tree farms plant trees in addition to cutting them down. They don’t just walk around cutting down all of the trees. We’re not going to run out of trees, because it’s in the industry’s best interest to ensure we don’t run out of trees. What “long-term problem” are you referring to?

Desalination is very expensive. The reason it’s not being pursued aggressively is that there are cheaper alternatives to getting clean water moved around to where it’s needed and it’s generally not the most economical idea to invest all that money into desalination.

We can always grow more trees in the future. And in fact, we definitely will, as the lumber industry is driven, at least in part, by demand for paper products. Use more paper plates, more trees will get planted. We’ll also have some more paper in landfills, but why would that a problem? It’s not like it’s plastic that

I haven’t benchmarked anything ever, but I have tried factory resets to get things back to the speed it’s supposed to be and found that it had absolutely no noticeable effect at all each time. I’ve done this on three different devices with no results (an OG Droid, a Galaxy Nexus, and a Nexus 7), but I’ve been

Doc gives him a 50, but there would obviously be some change. It’s like a parent sending their child to the store with a 10 dollar bill to buy a gallon of milk.

After about a year, I’ve noticed that every one of my phones has slowed down. Measurably, even, as things that would work instantly come to take a few moments before popping up and other things just become completely ineffective. Lately, for example, I can’t mirror my screen to my Chromecast while doing anything video

There’s no such thing as “clean” energy as you can’t ever have 100% efficiency. We are all 100% aware of this. You’re just being a jerk.

How come y’all aren’t talking about how the look of this thing reminds everyone of Apple? The front looks like a iPhone 4 with a speaker on both sides and the back has lines that resemble the layout of the current iPhone. It’s really weird too, because the iPhone has these segmented areas that break up their clean

I love this. Some people complain about screens being too big in modern flagships... so they make those people happy by making the screen smaller while keeping the phone the same size. Is this really what those kind of people want?

Perhaps they intend them to be used in tandem with generators to ensure owners can get the most electricity while the power is out? It would be nice to not even have to worry about unplugging the AC, even while knowing that everyone else has no power.

Probably businesses who may need to use a generator in case of an emergency, but don’t like the idea of burning fossil fuels and are probably willing to pay more to avoid it. Perhaps it would mostly go to businesses with an existing reason to own the battery (like having on-site solar collection) and then they could