
Film is a visual medium, not just a storytelling one. You say Avatar fails as at storytelling, and you are right about cliches, but a film does not need to succeed in storytelling to be a worthwhile film. Good cinematography, composition , and editing are also important, and even with a bad story, a film can still be

Disney has already committed to four full Marvel series exclusively for Netflix, along with a crossover team-up. I would not be surprised at all to see them continue and expand this partnership to include a Star Wars series along with the multiple Marvel ones.

Are you complaining about this? It’s coming in addition to stories of adult Peter, right? I’d say this is a perfect happy medium. Fans of the young version of the character get what they want and fans of the older version of the character get what they want too.

It varies based on artist I think.

Watch the documentary, they show that too. It’s really schlubby and great. We only see him in a long hair wig, but they very likely were going to give him long hair ultimately anyway. It’s the same hair we see in the “bad” photo that’s been popular around the net for years (and actually, that costume looks a LOT

I would love to see Arrow embrace using a wacky antagonist like Klarion. We already know fantastic stuff exists in this world, it would be fun to see them embrace it a tiny bit more.

So they’re just leaning hard into the comic-book-wackiness now? I can get behind that, I just hope that they can maintain an appropriate and entertaining tone despite having multiple characters running around in spandex and capes and other even more ridiculous costumes than we’ve seen.

We’re all aware of Green Arrow’s origins. Those are his origins, however, the character has moved a far beyond being just a Batman clone. Just as Batman grew beyond his origins lifting from multiple pulp heroes, Green Arrow grew beyond his origins of ripping off Batman.

Hmm... I don’t think I could see wacky things like space cops being a common factor in this show moving forward, even knowing that these things exist in that world. I’d love to see Ollie make friends with Hal Jordan, but I don’t wanna see Green Arrow palling around with Green Lantern. Am I making sense? I could see

He killed Vertigo in season two when Felicity was threatened and re-check the season 3 finale if you think he didn’t kill anyone there either.

Wow, that sounds amazing. How can it manage to generate enough electricity to send a RF signal out from that alone? Are you sure it doesn’t have a battery backup and a little solar panel like on a calculator? Haha.

Yeah, but if you wanna call my fat belly a battery, maybe you can show me how to plug my phone into it??

Nah, I’d rather have an alternator installed in my body that can generate electricity somehow through blood glucose, body fat, internal waste that the renal system normally ejects, or even just body heat.

I agree with everything you said.

Arrow was unmasked as Roy Harper. Then Roy Harper was murdered. So Arrow is dead. Everyone will accept that version of reality without question. We all know that that is not what happened, but to almost everyone in-universe, a random guy named Roy Harper was totally the Arrow the whole time. Ollie’s involvement with

I can totally see why they went sleeveless, but the design feels kind of mis-matched... even if I still like it regardless. This suit is more armored-looking than past designs, and that’s OK, but it’s also the one with the most exposed skin. I always assumed that the suit he used before was a light “Hollywood” armor

This should be like a 25 minute short film if they really wanna do it. There’s no way DC can pad this out to their normal 80 minute running time and still have it be good. Maybe they’ll do what they always do with “Batman” stories and add a few scenes of Bruce’s parents being murdered again to fill out the time. This

He was originally a Vietnam veteran. Somehow, that fact appears to have changed as time has gone on. Maybe other facts can change as well as the character is adapted into different media, such as changing carerr from military to police. Relax.

I wouldn’t be surprised to see it. I’m sure he’s still on contract anyway.

Are you the only one that hated the Corp? Yeah, pretty much. For the most part, even the worst haters of the movie praise everything about Oa, the Corp, and all that training in space. Kilowag and Sinestro are usually called out in particular, but I liked Tomar-Re as well. If the whole movie had taken place in space