
become a soap opera focused on maudlin emo drama between the characters that occasionally breaks out into violence.

Thea was already leaning in that direction. Him leaving the costume the costume for her and nodding really hard at the audience wasn’t necessary. She was going to end up in a red hood regardless. She’s already donned a hood to save Team Arrow, why wouldn’t she do so again in the future?

Except getting captured is totally going to be part of the plan. I mean, come on, they were invading the League of Assassins. They HAD TO know getting captured was going to happen, and they obviously had something worked out for the virus so that the main cast didn’t get murdered. I’d even go as far as suggesting that

It’s not supposed to be tense because of the question of will they die or not. It’s tense because how will they get out of this mess?

You don’t need suspense. You’re supposed to be feeling empathic for these characters you love who believe they’re being betrayed and murdered. You’re not supposed to be afraid that they’re really all dead.

You don’t really have to buy it. It’s enough just to see the dread in the characters, believing they’ve been betrayed and are dying. It’s called empathy.

Ra’s al Ghul has been honest and trustworthy. He’s also been a jerk, but he’s never been dishonest as far as I can recall.

I’m holding out hope that Roy will crossover with the upcoming Teen Titans adaptation. I think they’ve already said they plan on bringing him back to Arrow for guest spots.

I think it’s implied that Doc Brown actually went FURTHER into the future when he made the Mr. Fusion conversion. At no point during the time in 2015 do we see any indication that Mr. Fusion is a thing available at that time, although we do get to see an ad for a hover conversion service. The reason they only went to

I would love to see Secret Avengers work somehow.

He didn't even hold the camera the right way. Or get the right attire. Or the right camera.

Kind of. Comic books play with a lot of visual tropes that don't work well in live action. Because they're not physically possible. Think of how the "spandex" they were somehow fills in all the nooks and crannies of their musculature. It's as if the suits are painted on. That doesn't work in the real world, and

That's just the price you pay for articulation. I'm sure there are some Luke figures out there which are completely stationary with more accurate sculpts.

Oh, that would be awesome. Ollie as the leader of the League of Assassins all next season, facing off against ARGUS and Amanda Waller. Ahh!!!!

No one ever sees Diggle. The masks are really more for theatricality than protecting identities, and Diggle really isn't into that so much. He has worn ski masks a few times I think though, when risk of identity being discovered is of greater danger. I think it's worth noticing that Diggle is the only one on the team

We've also seen clips of Quentin standing in the Arrow cave, saying "I got you now, you son of a bitch." Probably the next episode since we already heard Quentin saying that he had men going to Thea's club. Once they get some evidence on top of Quentin's claims, they can still go after Ollie even if it appears that

"We were chasing the Arrow and I got a look at his face and noticed that he looked like Oliver Queen. We had him custody on vigilante charges before and made the mistake of letting him go, but we need to bring him back in now because it's definitely him."

At least Laurel isn't a pain to watch anymore. They did a good job of transforming her into someone not-awful... even if they had to push her down to the worst depths before making her crawl back out of it.

Arrow has committed crimes since then. He even killed people. All double jeopardy would do is keep him from being tried for the crimes committed in the first episodes of season one before he got "caught".

They won't need any witnesses after they get into the Arrow cave and have all that evidence.