
Folks playing in For Glory are not the absolute best there are. At the highest level of play, Diddy has a bit of an advantage.

That patch didn't turn Little Mac from OP to not-OP though. His great strengths were always balanced against great weaknesses. The only thing the patch did was make him just a little weaker. Not all balance patches are about nerfing over-powered things, sometimes it's just about adjusting minor balance.

Rosalina and Luma have been regarded as "OP" before Diddy even was. They even nerfed her already, but they only addressed one part of her huge strengths. Try googling "Rosalina broken" and see what comes up.

It'd probably be as easy as increasing knockback from his down-throw. Make that a little less combo-able and he'd be a little less powerful while still being very good.

Dr. Mario? What's the deal with that?

Sometimes a character is legitimately broken and the only option in "learning how to fight that character" is to play that character yourself. That's not cool.

Rosalina? That's pretty much the only one I can think of, but pro Rosalina players seem rare. If they patch Diddy and Rosalina becomes a problem, then they could just patch her too, and that'd probably be the end of it.

That's strange. He's not dramatically changed from Brawl.

The problem with "get better and adapt" can come if the only way to adapt is to is to change into what you're fighting. What if Diddy is truly the best and no one can compete... except Diddy? I was never into the competitive Brawl scene, but my understanding is that that basically happened with Meta Knight. Meta

Little Mac doesn't need to be top tier for his strengths to be annoying.

Jigglypuff has always been capable of some really cheap stuff and they still are. Get enough skill and you can ride a foe all the way to the blast line with jumping forward aerials, just like you could before.

His up+B is pretty bad and is pretty easily gimped. No, he's not as limited as Little Mac with regards to recovery, but Diddy's strengths also aren't as great as Little Mac's.

Yeah, that is dumb. There are a lot of suicide-kill options and Bowser's is, unless I'm mistaken, the ONLY one that artificially kills Bowser first. Other suicide-kill options involve falling down with the foe or riding down with them on your back, but with Bowser's move, the foe is UNDER Bowser when they hit the

Every character in Smash 4 is capable of some cheap stuff. There's a gif up there of Diddy comboing a DK and DK apparently can't do anything until he's already been juggled around the stage and taken heavy damage. That's cheap.

"Just as many negative consequences"?

The expectations of gender are that women are emotional and men are not. By extension, the expectations of gender are that women are weak and that men are strong.

I know this might sound kind of wrong, but probably because merely downloading child pornography isn't as bad as other things. He did not abuse any children himself by downloading and his act of downloading such pornography isn't going to actually encourage anyone to abuse a child. It's wrong, yes, but it is

It would be really weird to take it off while ON the train, but yeah, totally, bras are arbitrarily forced on women. Rejection of bogus expectations based on gender is what we should be aiming for. Women shouldn't be focusing on trying to instill arbitrary restrictions that they've internalized onto men. Gender equity

It would be really weird to take it off while ON the train, but yeah, totally, bras are arbitrarily forced on women. Rejection of bogus expectations based on gender is what we should be aiming for. Women shouldn't be focusing on trying to instill arbitrary restrictions that they've internalized onto men. Gender equity

and by the same logic, women won't sit comfortably without their legs clenched because that's too manly