
I don't know if you're being sarcastic. There aren't a lot of middle-eastern actors with cache. Oded Fahr, an Israeli-American actor, gets name-dropped sometimes in the right circles, but he's not big. People don't know his name, if they know him at all, they know him as "that guy who was in The Mummy" or maybe even

That's because non-blockbusters with racial minorities don't do especially well either. There are films with basically exclusively Black casts and they make do without a White audience. It works for what they are, low-budget comedies/dramas aimed at a largely Black audience with a largely Black cast. You can't ignore

Actors are not a particularly significant cost when considering a film like this.

The religious crowds are going to probably heavily overlap with the racist crowd. You cast a bunch of accurately ethnic "brown" actors for every role and you'll scare away that set of the audience.

If people are mad about White actors playing Egyptians in real life, is it better when White actors play Egyptians in animation?

Some people were mad about Heimdall (and the Asian Asgardian, if I recall) because Asgard is generally thought of as being all White due to being Norse. It can feel like casting for diversity's sake even when the ethnicity makes no sense.

Are you implying that you can judge a person's racial identity or the color of their skin based on a sculpture of that person's face?

Just because someone is technically from Africa doesn't make them "Black". Their skintone, especially those in the time the story takes place, is more akin to that of other Mediterranean peoples. Because that's what they actually are. They have more in common looks-wise with other Mediterranean people than they do

This isn't about directors or actors, this is about the racist industry and racist audience. I think Bale said it well himself: "are they being supportive of North African and Middle Eastern filmmakers and actors?" No, the industry isn't, and the industry isn't because the audience isn't. Almost no one would go see an

This is the thing that blows my mind behind the whole misandry thing, even when it's 100% in jest. Men make up about 50% of the population, and if we want real change, we need at least SOME of them on board with feminism. Not even all women are on board either, so how are we ever supposed to affect real change if we

Obviously, this is just an advanced case of "I have a Black friend so..."

Women don't "have to" do anything. Don't put yourself in a box.

Being a straight male who is selective can mean basically 0% chance for any kind of connection. Our culture is built so that women tend to get to be selective with regards to dating, so men who are ALSO selective will probably just be left alone. This is why some men employ the shotgun approach, not just here but

People complain about fur, but how many wear leather? I know it's not EXACTLY the same thing, but how do people who have no problem eating meat and wearing leather become hardcore vegans when it comes to fur? What kind of cognitive dissonance does that take?

I've heard a lot of praise for Kijiji from my Canadian friends, but I've NEVER heard anyone else talk about it. They apparently only support Canada. So that sucks.

Why do people need White people to agree that racism is real when Black people have been saying it all along?

It's not redirecting anything. The topic is "police treat Black people differently". This is a side of that problem.

Is it really a privilege to be able to survive interacting with police?

"Because really, what are black people supposed to do with these stories?"

most white people ARE working class though haha