
That's crazy. I remember the battery on my blue cart running out when I was in elementary school. Maybe no more than 2 years after I got it. Then later, my gold cart died some time in high school, maybe 4 years after I got it. How come your batteries lasted so much longer than mine????

You have no idea. The Scrabble dictionary is updated from time to time. A little while back they added things like "qi" and "za".

You might have heard the word "za" before. It's the word that moron-douche-bros use for "pizza". But it's a word, and it SHOULD be recognized, even if it's not in common usage, even if it's

They usually stay away from acronyms.

I can't tell you how many times I've tried to play "ew" and found that the online game won't let me. How did they manage to have things like "um" and "uh", but forget to throw in "ew".

Both "crib" and "crunk" SHOULD be playable in Scrabble. "Crib" already is. They're all words. If they weren't words, how would you and I be communicating with them as such?

I've been using this one also. It's worked great for hours and hours of video already. Had a hiccup today, which I think was due to unsupported audio codec. Didn't investigate yet, but still a minor complaint.

If you're living frugally? You could make 10K last a long time. I know I could probably make 10K last for a year if I really needed to, and that's without any additional income.

"Burger flipping" isn't simple. It's a constant barrage of orders that at their worst can be total hell.

It's not just fast food either. Waiters at traditional restaurants have it rough too. They may not be paid much, and it might be considered unskilled labor, but you better believe that it's still rough and

Buns and all? You'd end up with a double club. Do you really need that much bread in the middle? I've always questioned if even a single club was necessary, and as many people seem OK with a double cheeseburger made "like a mac", I've gotta say that the bread in the middle really probably isn't necessary at all.

The "secret menu" DOESN'T exist.

If you consider the tips useless, then obviously a decluttered life isn't for you...

"Innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt."

All you have to do in court is prove that it's possible that you legitimately purchased the disc before. Get a few witnesses who would testify, saying that they've seen you do this with your discs in the past. Maybe add a few witnesses that would paint your

I know that Hangouts can do SMS. Merely being able to do SMS and Internet messaging isn't what I'm asking for.

I'm asking for the app to be completely transparent to the user such that even if I TRIED to SMS someone, it would route it over Internet data instead. Even with using Hangouts as your SMS client, you still

This is exactly what Google should bake into Android directly. If both sides of a call have Google accounts, it should route it as a Google Hangouts call over Internet data. They need this feature plus Google Voice powered VoIP calling for all who want it. Oh, and while we're at it, how about sending text messages as

The folks who do subtitles often insert curse words in the translations.

MMPR is total cornball cheese, but that's not inherently bad. I mean, there's plenty bad to it, but don't write it off just because it's way cheesier than Zyuranger. The cheese is part of the charm!

They do not use cursing in Japanese versions. Japanese doesn't have curse words in the way that English does. Super Sentai isn't any more made for adult fans than Power Rangers. You probably saw a very loose translation.

Power Rangers can dabble in the self-awareness. RPM in particular was heavy on it, but I saw plenty of it in other seasons. I don't know how it is lately though; I haven't seen anything they did after they had that "season" of MMPR re-edited with awful stuff added in.

Everyone's lame. I like all of the designs. Knuckles is a little taller than I would have made him, but I'm totally on board with idea behind everything they're doing there.

I love how this image of Superman looks kind of like a dumb jock. His face just looks like he's kind of stupid. Not even joking. I think it's a good fit for the character to be a little less "pretty".