
But... who wants to carry a PSP or DS around with them along with their smartphone and/or tablet?

The software for the wireless connection isn't actually from the same people. It has been in the Play store for a while now.

It won't be the death knell of the PS Vita, but it is yet another sign that dedicated portable gaming devices won't compete with smartphones/tablets for much longer.

This is kind of ridiculous. They were inspired by the game-changing concepts that Apple had brought together from various sources and had made successful. They didn't "copy" the iPhone any more than the iPhone "copied" all of the various phones that came before it that had similar features.

If Marvel is going to touch Guardians of the Galaxy, I'd say Galactus fits just as well. The Marvel Cinematic Universe might have started with a "realistic" Iron Man, but it's come a VERY long way since then.

Grounded realism isn't broadly bad. For example, Batman wears tights in the comics, but in a "grounded" universe, he wears armor. That's not a bad thing. The Arkham Asylum games have even shown us how his costume can even look like BOTH the tights from the comics AND armor.

They've gotten some pretty good mileage out of him ever since the time skip for the second season of Young Justice.

I don't think that'd be so bad. After all, Spider-man has a mouth too, but he spends a lot his civilian life being a whiny mope. I wouldn't mind seeing a Nightwing who mopes a little while out and about as Dick, but gets some quippage in while he's in the mask.

Yeah, because green means "go". Should the phone be red instead? Don't you think using other colors would have a subconscious impact on how people saw the function of the app? The only reason I could see the icon being any color but green or blue would be to denote some passive response. For example, if you miss a

A party of people who are sharing.

If you wear girl pants, it pretty much definitely won't fit.

Even just doing that would be great for video playback. I love watching video on my Galaxy Nexus and watching the software navigation buttons melt away as video playback starts. It's so amazing to realize that, yes, the screen is in fact much larger than it seems in every day use.

It's not innovative, obviously. Devices with 5 inch diagonal screens have been done before.

This argument is fallacious. It might surprise someone who's never tried it before, but the big-ass phone can absolutely fit in most any normal pockets. It's not like we're talking about a 7 inch tablet here, these "phablets" are only slightly wider and slightly taller than other regular large phones. If you can fit a

An attachment that plugs into the headphone jack? What does said attachment achieve in being plugged in there?

I think they should just embrace the weirdness a little bit. Especially with Wright involved, this thing will almost definitely lean heavier on the comedy than the other Marvel films and that's probably the best way to handle it.

They were supposed to do a Teen Titans movie a while back. The Judas Contract. I guess it got shelved though. Not sure why... maybe they figured a more serious tone would confuse fans of the anime-style cartoon?

The "graphic novel" isn't really a graphic novel at all.

All of the direct-to-video movies are about 80 minutes. They won't let them go over.

Are they really doing a The Killing Joke movie?