
Not ideal, but to his credit, Hitler was a vegetarian and the Nazis condemned the use of tobacco.

“[...] and that live dolphins fetch substantially more money than dead ones ($1,500 to $11,000 for those intended for captivity versus $40 to $110 for those made into meat).”

But the ban is a start. Gotta start somewhere. And maybe it generates momentum. It certainly generates attention, and people who’ve never thought about plastic pollution might notice, and start changing their ways, big and small.

No, I don’t. But psychologists have not determined that this works all the time. Nothing works all the time. The examples in my post are from personal experience using Pascal’s method, and it simply did not work. Not everybody can be convinced.

That’s on a state level. As a whole, you are right, things get better, because a majority of people, given enough time and a generational change, can do the right thing. On an individual level, things are a bit different.

I want religion out of everything.

I feel the same way about religion.

Victim blaming. Outstanding! I’m sure you’d say the same about the Scholl siblings.

Fed by a steady stream of hyperbole from AI researchers, the reporting press, and the entertainment industry, it’s no wonder that misconceptions about science are running rampant among the public.

Will do next time. Promise.

Of course it’s fallible. Humans are not unlimited. Our sensory apparatus only shows us so much, given that it evolved to deal with specific circumstances. But if you look at modern science, you’ll find that it now operates largely beyond that apparatus. You’ll also find that, contrary to what many claim, scientific

Not a very good argument. The first part does not apply to humans since we are mammals. The part applicable to humans just lists a bunch of (rare) conditions (genetic disorders), which are, as the name suggests, not the biological MO of Homo sapiens, unlike, for example, temperature-dependent sex determination in

Despite what postmodernism made you think, “objective reality” does exist.

It is our biological predisposition to believe in things for which there is no evidence in empirical reality (which is actually a survival strategy gone haywire) which leads to genocidal nonsense like religion. But the root of ALL evil? Nah. That’s a stretch. Religions are merely man-made

“And funny how you add a scripture about judgment to my comment [...]”

True. But the content of the reply was disrespectful. “Have respect for other people’s points of view”, you wrote, only to call people who hold views incongruous with your own arrogant and nonsensical.

But my comments weren’t „off-topic“. As I’ve said, they are only tangentially related. Religion plays no small part here, given that the girl is kept alive because of her parents’ religious belief, and because NJ laws state that braindead patients can’t be taken off ventilators if families have

Have respect for other people’s points of view. While I think it’s arrogant and non-sensical for human beings not to believe in something greater than themselves, [..]”