
Obviously, the more 4k monitors, the merrier. But I'd rather have 1 4k over X anything else.

But one bigger high quality monitor is better than two big high quality monitors. A single screen will always be the most efficient in terms of workflow and workspace.

To go with that desktop PC, a really fucking good desktop monitor.

One big, high quality monitor > multiple small, mediocre monitors.

It's legal or "pretty much legal" in many places.

What about weed?

Yes, it is. If you're going to be That VR Guy, you might as well be That VR Guy with the replica flight stick and throttle.

You're looking at a grand worth of hardware (DK2 + HOTAS) plus a decent PC. I'd say $2k min but probably closer to $3k for a desired experience.

Is it not a sweet toy gun tho?

60 GB of uncompressed audio isn't that much.

Semantics. Getting pretty defensive of your toy gun, there.


It can be art and also a toy gun.

Sweet toy gun, adult human.

At this point, (finishing the) genocide would almost be compassionate.

Only Alienware delivers true 24fps gaming and can defeat the terrorists.