
So this is what people comment on Kotaku now?

Aw, look who's proud of their big boy job!

I kinda like trolls like this, because, unlike other topics, there is almost no chance anybody will agree with him.

If you're ever under arrest (for not doing anything remotely suspicious), I hope you are treated in the exact opposite fashion you just described.

Try harder.

I pity anyone who doesn't grasp the point you're trying to make and also anyone inclined to document the existence of Will Ferrel.


Just terrible.

Did they stipulate you couldn't use the extra thousand dollars to purchase a new MBA and sell the Surface? If not, dumb.

"Do you never watch...films? Or read...books? Or...poetry? Or observe art?"

"games are about escapism and wish fulfilment"

Also because it is close, cheap, and many poor people live in food ghettos and have minimal time to go elsewhere to procure food.

This fierce entitlement to cheap meat is one of the reasons I simultaneously loved and hated living in The United States.

Side note: I get Big Macs that look like the "web ad" photo (or better) all the time.

This attitude of total apathy will be the downfall of us all.

It looks kinda like the LA Arts District with less hobo shit.

Also surprisingly walkable! But Capitalism = Nukes = Freeways.

We had this argument on a post about video game screenshots. Go us.

Get a fucking job.

Seriously though, we're on a video game website. Clothes =/= bullshit. There are people here who buy Wii Us....